View Full Version : Fire Separation Disaster

2010-04-06, 06:33 PM
Our team has managed to make fire separation boundary lines using families and parametrics in Revit 2010. The only problem is that they do not corner nicely (see pic). Any ideas on how to make legible, clean fire separation lines? Thanks,


2010-04-06, 06:52 PM
If you search, there is a 5 or 6 pager on the various ways to get it done.

Decide betwee:

1. Wanting it to look EXACTLY how youre used to, or...
2. Getting it done for free with the intelligence from the model.

If number one is your road, line based families, line based detail components, etc will do almost everythying you want. You can make them clean up, you just have to put some effort in to it.

If number two is more your alley (as it is mine) leverage Filters, and get on board with using a fill pattern in the rated assemblies. It means never having to coordinate your manually drawn Fire tape again.

I started doing that the moment we got Filters, and ive never looked back.

2010-04-06, 06:59 PM

It looks as though your family starts with the annotation, then arrays the annotation as the line-based family is extended. It's the 'starting with the annotation' part that is messing up your graphics. Try modifying the family to set the annotation a distance IN from the start - whatever increment best suits the typical plotscale of your plans.

Per Aaron's comments, I also prefer using Filters for this type of work, as it then does respond to actual wall location and does not require additional layout work, but unless you're a magician with .pat files and can get your hr-rating annotation in there, you might be frustrated with it, graphically. As stated, parametric benefits over traditional visuals wins for me everytime!

Hope that helps!

2010-04-07, 03:07 PM
I have not played with either of these options yet, but another way to approach the line-based family could be to not put the annotation in the family at all, but rather to make a generic annotation tag that you would apply to the line-based family

2010-07-22, 05:56 PM
I also think that using filters should be the way to go. Just have to convince the office of another way of doing things.
So, along these lines...You can make a wall tag that reports the Fire Rating parameter of the wall, but requires you to create a wall type for your rated walls.
So, is there a way to create a tag that acts like a line base family in which I can control the array of the tag. Effectively allowing me to tag the wall showing the rating and then control how many times the tag shows up along the length of the wall?
I could then use a filter to override the rated walls with a solid hatch, my tag would have an opaque text and that would then be arrayed along the wall and make it look like the there was a dashed line representing the fire wall. With everything being parametric, most everything would update (save the arrayed tag I guess?)