View Full Version : Linked Drawing List Schedule showing double sheets

2010-04-07, 09:39 PM
Anyone out there seen this one? I linked in a Revit model and with it the drawing list I created. I have 4 models linked in and they all work great except one. One of them shows two of every sheet created in that project. I've checked and re-checked the schedule, and everything seems to be correct. Please see the image I've attached. Any insight in to this would be apprecieated.

cliff collins
2010-04-08, 01:08 PM
Any chance that there are 2 of those linked file instances in your project, and the schedule
is counting both of them?

just a thought, as I've never come across this one yet.


Scott Womack
2010-04-09, 08:16 AM
Is there a link inside of one of the links that is attaching one of the other links, and therefore reading something twice?