View Full Version : Where did my shortcuts go??

2010-04-11, 05:05 PM
Just opened Revit 2010 on my home machine and all the shortcuts I have defined are gone. What could have happened?

2010-04-12, 12:39 AM
Also lost everything on my QAT. What the heck could be causing this??

2010-04-12, 12:48 AM
keyboard shortcut file deleted or Revit isn't looking in the right place for it?

2010-04-12, 12:04 PM
Can't imagine it being deleted. It was fine just a few days ago and I haven't been in the Revit program folder in that time period.

2010-04-12, 01:12 PM
As Katika has stated. Try looking for the shortcut TXT and see if has been changed or deleted. If it is there then look in your Revit.ini for it's pathing.

2010-04-12, 01:17 PM
Shortcuts are no longer in a TXT file as far as I know, since the SAP was released with the new keyboard shortcuts UI. And what about all my tools on the QAT disappearing?

2010-04-12, 02:10 PM
Shortcuts are now stored in the KeyboardShortcuts.xml file. Also it is no longer in the Program folder. It appears that KS are saved on a per user basis under
C:\Users\JoeUser\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010\KeyboardShortcuts.xml
If you have changed user names recently this could have caused the problem or if some system maintenacne tool was run that cleared out User data that could also have created the issue.

2010-04-12, 02:13 PM
Haven't changed user names on my home machine. It's XP Pro 32-bit btw.

2010-04-12, 02:21 PM
Its been a while since I was on XP so I don't remember for sure were things were stored. I'm on W7 now so the locations above might not be correct. Is it possible that someone else logged into your machine over the weekend and caused Revit to lose the KS path?

2010-04-12, 03:28 PM
are you talking about keyboard shortcuts, or the "Places" shortcuts in the File dialog? I have had Places disappear, and lost my QAT customization at the same time. I had assumed it was due to a corrupted UIState.dat file.


2010-04-13, 11:28 AM
I have had the Places list disappear several times at work, but never the QAT (been on Win7 x64 at work since October). At home I just lost the QAT and all my custom keyboard shortcuts on XP x86. My home machine stays logged in all the time, with only one user name, so it couldn't have anything to do with logging on/off or other users. And I can assure you my wife has no clue about these sorts of things - computer files, locations, etc.

2010-05-16, 07:18 PM
I have had the Places list disappear several times at work, but never the QAT (been on Win7 x64 at work since October). At home I just lost the QAT and all my custom keyboard shortcuts on XP x86. My home machine stays logged in all the time, with only one user name, so it couldn't have anything to do with logging on/off or other users. And I can assure you my wife has no clue about these sorts of things - computer files, locations, etc.

This just happened AGAIN on my home PC!!! ALL keyboard shortcuts and QAT tools are GONE! Places shortcuts in the Open/Save dialog boxes remain, but the other stuff has disappeared. sooooo frustrating!! :evil:

2010-05-17, 02:27 AM
Very odd. I'm not familiar enough with Revit to know what might be causing that, but I'd try all the different shortcuts to launch Revit and see if it's somehow caused by HOW Revit is launched.

Use the desktop icon...use the Start/Programs item...open up Windows Explorer and launch the actual Revit.exe from the Program Files subfolder...just to see if there's some kind of profile or some such that might be loading when it launches. Again, I don't know enough about customizing Revit to know if there's some kind of "profile switch" type of thing, but it's worth a try.

2010-05-17, 12:41 PM
It's not that, because I launch it via desktop icon every time I use it.