View Full Version : different text notes alignment after changing view scale

Ning Zhou
2010-04-16, 05:41 PM
old issue and don't know if anyone has good workaround or did i missed new feature in 2010?
i've created general notes in drafting view w/ multiple text notes which are aligned only for fixed view scale, changing view scale will make everything in big mess, any solution except import/link CAD or image?
thanks in advance.

Erica Evans
2010-07-30, 03:16 PM
2011 has automatic numbering that will adjust with scale changes. It's still limited, but is better than having to Enter and Tab to get things aligned.

When you're in the text box, Ctrl+A to select all. In the ribbon there is a drop-down for numbers or bullets, pick the one you want. Mine uses a Hanging Intent style, but I don't remember if I found a place to set that or if it's the only choice. You can change the Tab size within the Text Type properties.

Hope this helps!

Ning Zhou
2010-07-30, 03:27 PM
thanks Erica.
well, bullet or numbering won't solve it, because what i'm talking about is multiple text boxes, if it's single text box, then no such issue at all.
maybe i should use one text box only.

Scott Womack
2010-07-31, 03:19 PM
thanks Erica.
well, bullet or numbering won't solve it, because what i'm talking about is multiple text boxes, if it's single text box, then no such issue at all.
maybe i should use one text box only.

Are you talking about text with leaders, or blocks of text to make up a larger note or notes?

I totally agree with the text with leaders. The spacing between the groups of text/notes does note change, just the size of the text within the notes changes.

You can typically go up in scale, but note down (up meaning 1/2"=1' to 1"=1') and no issues. Can't go the other way, or text with multiple lines ends up on top of each other.

As for blocks of notes, we still tend to use key schedules of some odd-ball not used catagory for "general" or numbered notes. This saves tons of time, allows them to be placed on multiple sheets, and allows their "mining" from other projects into another project.