View Full Version : RAC 2010 Error
2010-04-20, 03:57 PM
I have been getting this error message the past couple days and wondering if anyone else has been seeing this at all. It happens after a fatal error, when Revit is trying to save a recovery file. I am running Windows XP-32bit, 3gb Ram, 203Gb of free space on my hard drive. Any help or insight on this would be appreciated.
cliff collins
2010-04-20, 04:06 PM
I suspect that you are running out of RAM, and Revit is writing the cache memory to your hard drive. Not a good situation.
The current trend is to move to Win 7 64 bit, and use a minimum of 8GB RAM or better.
A large capacity (500GB ) fast hard disk is also a good thing.
And a graphics card that will allow you to take advantage of new features in RAC 2011.
2010-04-20, 05:22 PM
azmz3, it may be a RAM issue as Cliff suggests, but there have been several threads on this issue before, including users who already have Windows x64 and 8 GB of RAM. The resolution is inconclusive, but it might be some sort of bug.
Some users have had good luck with the following:
Try cleaning out (you can also do this using Window's "Disk Cleanup"):
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Local Settings\Temp
Try cleaning out:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010\Journals
I have been getting this error message the past couple days and wondering if anyone else has been seeing this at all...
Cliff, it seems like you're spreading that advice around a bit liberally without investigation.
Yes, getting a new computer is a great "fix", but the OP's issue may not have anything to do with RAM, let alone needing a new computer. You don't even know what size projects the user is working on and you're suggesting 8 GB of RAM, a huge hard drive (which is generally only useful if you have a huge iTunes library or you don't have an office file server). You don't know what kind of video card the OP has - and what does a video card have to do with the error message?
The current trend is to move to Win 7 64 bit, and use a minimum of 8GB RAM or better.
A large capacity (500GB ) fast hard disk is also a good thing.
And a graphics card that will allow you to take advantage of new features in RAC 2011.
cliff collins
2010-04-20, 05:33 PM
Quote by OP:
"I am running Windows XP-32bit, 3gb Ram,"
This tells me his OS and hardware is not up to the task--even with fairly small projects.
I have seen this same warning when we were on Win XP 32 and 4 GB of RAM.
Based on our past experience, that message is very possibly saying one of these two things:
1. Revit is requiring more memory than the machine has, so it starts to write it to the hard drive, and the hard drive is also trying to run the rest of the computer/OS, etc and gets
a bit annoyed.
2. The hard drive may actually be failing--WARNING!!!!!!
So--I'm making recommendations from our past experience, having been through the situation, discovering why we had the problems, and making recommendations to upgrade
all of our machines to Win 7 64, with 8 GB of RAM minimum. This solved the problem.
I think this may tell the OP that it is time to consider new hardware, and if he's doing that, then also consider a graphics card and fast drive to optimize his current performance and allow for future use of RAC 2011.
Good, solid advice from real world experience is what is offered.
2010-04-20, 06:12 PM
Good advice from both answers, they are much appreciated. I will clean out the temp folder and the journals.
As far as the machine upgrade, that is being talked about now by IT. I work in a large company, so things like computer upgrades, have to go thru the corporate people before it comes to my desk.
Also, the file I am working on right now, is 135Mb, so 3Gb of RAM is definitely not sufficient. I try to close out of Revit a couple times a day to help it release the memory that it keeps.
Again, thanks for the advice, and hopefully cleaning those file locations will be a temporary fix before the new system, which should be coming since we will be migrating to 2011 in the coming weeks.
2010-04-21, 03:05 PM
It seems like this error is now preventing from Reloading Latest. I did clean up those two locations on my hard drive, but it didn't do the trick for now. I am going to try and compress the file, and then see what happens.
Scott Womack
2010-04-21, 03:47 PM
Also try the good ol' defrag on your disk. Everyone assumes that because they have X space available, that Revit can use all of that space. Revit can only use the maximum amount of contiguios space. If the disk is badly fragmented, the amount of usable space might be quite small.
2010-04-21, 05:36 PM
Good point, but that was checked, and the disk is fairly clean. Its not just my computer having this issue with this file, so we have come to conslusion to upgrade the machines to 64bit, add RAM and change OS to Windows 7, and make a processor change I believe. Just waiting on corporate to give the go-ahead on it.
2010-04-21, 06:02 PM
I've been seeing this statement quite a bit recently on the forums. Where did this info come from?
Also try the good ol' defrag on your disk. Everyone assumes that because they have X space available, that Revit can use all of that space. Revit can only use the maximum amount of contiguios space. If the disk is badly fragmented, the amount of usable space might be quite small.
cliff collins
2010-04-21, 07:37 PM
Check out these two subjects:
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