View Full Version : Cladding Properties

2010-04-26, 11:29 AM
I created a cladding surface in a 3D Frame Type model. I am trying to assign thickness and other properties to the cladding. I cannot find the panel button or similar command anywhere. How do I assign thickness and other material properties to the "cladding"?

2010-04-26, 02:34 PM
You can only add loads to claddings and control how these loads are distributed to the elements. If you want to add a material, you have to create a panel.

2010-04-26, 03:05 PM
That is my question. The panel commands are nowhere to be found. How do I access them?

length zero
2010-04-26, 03:13 PM
You must change structure type to 3D Shell Design or any other type whicha contains planar elements.
Because in 3D Frame Type you can't define any surface element like panel ore cladding.
If you have seen also you can't define planar load in 3D Frame Type , but need to change structure type to 3D Shell design.

I suppose that you know how tu change structure type.


2010-04-26, 03:35 PM
I tried building design, shell design, plate design and the panel commands are still not there. I tried saving, closing and repopening after changing types and the commands are still not there.

I am using Robot 2011. Maybe it is a bug.

When I start a new model with Building Design, Plate Design or Shell Design the panel commands are present.

length zero
2010-04-26, 04:12 PM
In which manner are u changing structure type from #D Frame to 3D Shell Design.

In right side of screen you have an icon Structure defiition, and on it u have other icon structure type.
I tried in this form for me it works.

length zero
2010-04-26, 04:15 PM
If you can make solution for your problem try this:
Use Polyline contur definition in Geometry meny, and in parameters dialog box use clading/face button.

2010-04-26, 05:29 PM
I used the geometry menu at the top and the menu on right. Both appear to change the structure definition, but the panel commands are not available unless I start the structure as a panel type structure.

I think the easiet thing to do is to redo it as a panel type structure. It is not very large.

length zero
2010-04-27, 09:47 AM
One thingis make me very confuse.
In Cladding loads distribution there are thre cases
One way-x
One way-y
Two way

but in two way analysis type jou can assign distibution way like as:
Trapezoidal and Triangular
Grillage Analysis metod
Slab Analysis method

This two casec (Grillage Analysis method and Slab Analysis method) are disabled in my software.

2010-04-27, 01:34 PM
One thingis make me very confuse.
In Cladding loads distribution there are thre cases
One way-x
One way-y
Two way

but in two way analysis type jou can assign distibution way like as:
Trapezoidal and Triangular
Grillage Analysis metod
Slab Analysis method

This two casec (Grillage Analysis method and Slab Analysis method) are disabled in my software.

Since version 2010 only the trapezoidal and triangular method can be used.