View Full Version : Weird changes to wall layers in sections RAC 2010 and 2011

Gadget Man
2010-04-28, 12:11 AM
Hi All,

I came across this weird behaviour of the composite walls in sections. It happens both in RAC 2010 and RAC 2011.

The firm I am working for now likes to have their wall stud (frame) layers filled black. On the external wall's section it should show:
- black stud layer
- white cavity layer
- hatched brick veneer layer

Normally, it shows correctly - also when the brick and cavity layers are extended below the floor level. However, when there is an opening (say a door) through which the section cuts, the cavity layer below the opening turns black... (see attached picture).

Has anybody experienced a simillar situation and/or has a possible explanation/solution? My boss isn't happy about this visual glitch and short of using masking regions in all section views, I have no idea how to fix it...

edit 1
By the way, it happens only when a door or a window is full height (sits right on the floor), i.e. there is not any part of un-extended layer (stud) visible below the opening. In case of a normal window, there is no problem (see picture 2 below)...

edit 2
Well, for now I found the solution, although it still doesn't solve the mistery: if I move the "offending" door/window by as little as 0.2mm above the floor (0.1mm doesn't work...) the wall comes back to normal. And 0.2mm is virtually untrackable, even in dimentions... But still annoying nevertheless...