View Full Version : Starting Proposed Profile at a Vertical Curve

2010-04-28, 08:00 PM
Is it possible to start a vertical alignment with a vertical curve? It seems to always need a little extra in front of the curve to draw it in right.

2010-04-28, 08:27 PM
Yeah, Autodesk designed Civil 3D so that vertical curves cannot share endpoints, and Profiles cannot start right at a BVC. I guess it made some of their internal calculations simpler or something, at the cost of confusing users.

I think Civil 3D is the only civil design software that will not let you have back-to-back vertical curves. You always need at least a hair between vertical curves, even if it's only 0.0001 units.

2010-05-01, 06:29 AM
Sure you can. Sinc, you don't have to have anything between the curves.


2010-05-01, 04:21 PM
Unfortunately, we typically get Profile Data from printed plans. As such, the easiest way to enter the design Profiles is usually to use the "Insert PVIs - Tabular" command. And when using that option, it is impossible to enter back-to-back curves.

For example, we might have PVI stations at 5+00 and 6+00. Both PVIs are 100' vertical curves. But when we use "Insert PVIs - Tabular", we have to enter something like 99.999 as the length of one of the vertical curves, or Civil 3D won't accept it.

It's not a big problem, just a minor annoyance and one of those things that leaves us kind of shaking our heads... Many things in Civil 3D are awesome, but some things are... not exactly awesome. :mrgreen: