View Full Version : how to unhost floor hosted elements

2010-04-29, 07:01 PM
Hello, i´m new here and new to Revit, so I am having a bit of trouble. I started to make a railling family as a floor hosted generic model, but I might need it somewhere else other than a floor, so now I want to "unhost" it, is that possible? I tried to erase the default floor, but that´s not possible. I also tried copying only the railling into a brand new generic model file, but it won´t paste... I´m guessing it´s because there´s no floor to place it on in there.
Help please?

2010-04-29, 07:44 PM
Hello, i´m new here and new to Revit, so I am having a bit of trouble. I started to make a railling family as a floor hosted generic model, but I might need it somewhere else other than a floor, so now I want to "unhost" it, is that possible? I tried to erase the default floor, but that´s not possible. I also tried copying only the railling into a brand new generic model file, but it won´t paste... I´m guessing it´s because there´s no floor to place it on in there.
Help please?

Sorry Suzana,

No way to make a hosted element unhosted. You may have some luck copying and pasting specific elements from your hosted file to a non-hosted version, but generally you will need to start over.

My general rule of thumb is no hosting unless necessary. Floor hosting only if the item will need to slope with a sloped floor.

2010-04-30, 02:25 PM
No way to make a hosted element unhosted. [QUOTE]

That´s too bad! something to improve for the next version!
I guess I should start working now, if I have to do this all over again! Thanks for the help!

2010-04-30, 02:41 PM
It has been this way since r1.

Just a practice you need to be aware of.

BTW the best procedure is to make unhosted element and nedt them into an empty hosted family if they need to be hosted.

BTW, why did you make a railing instead of using the Railing tool?

2010-05-01, 08:41 AM
Wild guess here (don't know if it will work), but what happens if you copy the family and then change the Family Category for the new family? It's a tric I use often to recreate a family for another type (for instance a Generic Model to Door, etc). Never use it on hosted elements though because I always follow the nesting workflow (bumped my head on that one once too!)

2010-05-01, 05:15 PM
Wild guess here (don't know if it will work), but what happens if you copy the family and then change the Family Category for the new family? It's a tric I use often to recreate a family for another type (for instance a Generic Model to Door, etc). Never use it on hosted elements though because I always follow the nesting workflow (bumped my head on that one once too!)

Nope, will only change category from hosted "Category xx" to hosted "Category xy."