View Full Version : Wall sweeps behaviour

2010-04-30, 08:18 AM
As shown in the attached image, the sweeps don't turn when the wall finishes..These sweeps are defined from the wall type dialog as wall components and I can't find the way to make them turn, as we define which side of the walls wrap at the end..
It looks ugly and diffucult to correct so I would really appreciate a tip...

Is this possible or is it just anothe wishlist item ?

2010-04-30, 10:41 AM
I think the IMF stole you attachment ;)

2010-04-30, 04:02 PM
I think the IMF stole you attachment ;)

Oops... here it is...

2010-04-30, 04:25 PM
You can turn them.

Grab the sweep (tab to it). In the Option bar, theres an option to Modify Returns. You can then click each location the sweep stops, and make it return to a specified angle. Once its returned, you can grab the sweep end and drag it down the returned side, returning it.

2010-04-30, 04:42 PM
Well, this is the classic sweep behaviour and I was doing the classic mistake... trying to work in a camera view... Everything is ok... thanks!

So, this has to be added to the wishlist for RAC2012 (?)

1. Sweeps should have an option inside the creation dialog (wall type props) for automatically wrapping like the wall does..

2. When in 3d - camera view, everything should work like in normal 3d view...