View Full Version : Anti-Aliasing for 3D views

2010-05-02, 12:20 PM
Accouding to Autodesk help:

"Appearance Quality
Use Anti-Aliasing for 3D views.
When enabled, the quality of lines in 3D views is improved. For example, edges display smoother. "

Does anyone use this option in the graphics tab under options? Have you found a performance hit with it turned on?
Does it work well on some graphic cards over other cards?

There seems to be very little information of this option on the web, so I thought I would ask the question.

2010-05-02, 01:11 PM
Accouding to Autodesk help:

"Appearance Quality
Use Anti-Aliasing for 3D views.
When enabled, the quality of lines in 3D views is improved. For example, edges display smoother. "

Does anyone use this option in the graphics tab under options? Have you found a performance hit with it turned on?
Does it work well on some graphic cards over other cards?

There seems to be very little information of this option on the web, so I thought I would ask the question.
I just noticed that setting, and it affects the actual 3D view instead of the rendering. It, like it says, makes the lines smoother. Performance is still the same on my Core 2 Duo. It's like smoothing out fonts; you barely notice it.

2010-05-03, 03:37 PM
In my experience, it doesn't make such a significant difference in the appearance of a given 3D view. I find this option is helpful when we try to export shaded views to JPEG or TIFF.

But it doesn't seem to work for 3D Walk-thrus, which is still a bummer. So each pixel in the walk thru is either white or black, not gray. Makes for a jarring experience.