View Full Version : xref'd pipes are gone.

2010-05-03, 07:54 PM
Once again our deadline is fast approaching and Civil 3D is holding up the completion.

I have a pipe network design drawing which is shortcutted into a master plan drawing. That plan is xref'd by my contract sheets. All of a sudden the pipes network will not show up in any drawing that they are xref'd into.

Any suggestion are greatly appreciated.
C3D 2008

2010-05-04, 12:32 PM
Please don't be offended but sometimes it's the simple things we overlook.

Have you tried turning on and thawing all the layers in the drawing? That is usually what causes mine to disappear. Depending on your styles you may have separate layers for pipes and structures. And if I remember correctly layer 0 needs to be on also (of course that may be style dependent).

Are the networks visible in the master plan drawing? If not, check the layers and current styles that are applied to the network parts.

Glenn Pope
2010-05-04, 01:30 PM
Check your master plan drawing to see that the layer the network is on isn't a frozen layer in the sheets. Pipe networks that are brought in using data shortcuts can be redrawn on the current layer when the drawing is open. So if your current layer in the master plan is a frozen layer in the sheets, no pipes.

2010-05-04, 01:59 PM
You could data ref the pipes into your sheets dwg, only a work around to get them out the door however, I have no idea how to correct your issue.

2010-05-04, 06:13 PM
All layers are on.
When i detach and reattach the xref i can see the pipes (in profile only). However, after a regen they disappear again. Also, the pipe data bands still display.

2010-05-06, 03:34 AM
this almost sounds like a hardware like video card or out of system memory issue. I know when i start running out of memory my grading contours will disappear. Just a thought.


2019-03-06, 05:22 PM
I had this same problem 9 years later. My xref storm drain structures would not show up and we could not figure out why. Googled & found this post. Turned on Layer 0 > BOOM there they were. Thank you for this simple reminder.