View Full Version : Dimensions Don't Show In Linked File

2010-05-04, 08:07 PM
This has stumped many experts in our firm, perhaps we're missing something obvious.

We have a ceiling plan that has been dimensioned. That plan is linked into a "master" file with other links and we cannot get the dimensions to be visible. We've tried all of the obvious (to us) combinations of visibility graphics settings. Screen capture examples are attached.

The dimensions aren't hidden in the problem file.
Links are overlay
Cut planes and view ranges are consistent
Every combination of Detail Level has been tried
Sync with central / reload latest / update links, all have no effect
Different combinations of display settings have no effect

cliff collins
2010-05-04, 08:10 PM
Did you make a specific view in the linked file, named "RCP-By Linked View"

and then in the Host file, set in View properties to "By Linked View" ?

I think that should do it?


2010-05-04, 08:13 PM
Thanks Cliff, unfortunately, yes, that was one of the first things we tried - to no avail.

Scott Womack
2010-05-04, 09:03 PM
We have a ceiling plan that has been dimensioned. That plan is linked into a "master" file with other links and we cannot get the dimensions to be visible. We've tried all of the obvious (to us) combinations of visibility graphics settings. Screen capture examples are attached.
The dimensions aren't hidden in the problem file.
Links are overlay
Cut planes and view ranges are consistent
Every combination of Detail Level has been tried
Sync with central / reload latest / update links, all have no effect
Different combinations of display settings have no effect

You are possibly missing something. To see MOST annotation in a linked file, you need to (in that view) set the Link to be Custom, then set the view in that link to the specific view name that has the annotation on it.

When I say "most" annotation, section, detail, elevation, and other references to a view will not appear through the link.

2010-05-04, 09:29 PM
What are the dimensions TO? If (in a link) you dimensioned to ANOTHER link (now a link of the link) then the dimensions are only going to show up if that second link is set to Attachement. Also, if its set to attachment you wont want it linked in to your Master at all.

But if its not set to attachment, you get no dimensions to those objects.

2010-05-04, 09:48 PM
Thanks guys - Aaron, I think you may be onto something. . .

2010-05-04, 09:54 PM
I'm just curious; why not dimension and document this ceiling plan in the "master" file? Are separate sets going to be printed for each model in the project? Different level heights that prevent proper view cuts?

We're doing something very similar to this in a current project, only because we have a total of 16 different floor levels in a 90' vertical project height and the level staggering prevented straight up documentation in the master file.

I'm really just curious as to why you guys are not documenting in one file. Nothing more than that :)

2010-05-05, 02:06 PM
Thanks to everyone who chimed in. Aaron wins the prize - it was completely related to the dimensions to linked files. Nice catch - I was tearing my hair out over this one.

2010-05-05, 02:23 PM
I'm just curious; why not dimension and document this ceiling plan in the "master" file? Are separate sets going to be printed for each model in the project? Different level heights that prevent proper view cuts? . . .

I'm really just curious as to why you guys are not documenting in one file. Nothing more than that :)

Excellent question - I keep asking it myself. But here is our current thinking on this:
Yes - some models will have their own sets, for various reasons (mostly permitting issues).
It's nice to see the dimensions in the plan where manipulation and design are occurring. If you need to revise or tweak something you can do it all in one place. Our process tends to be iterative and involve a lot of revision.
Honestly, we're a little late in implementing BIM and have only been doing Revit projects for a little over two years. The nature of our work is such that we haven't developed a good methodology for doing complex projects in Revit, especially with our MEP/FP folks and Structural. Total integration is important, but somewhat elusive at this point, so if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to comment.