View Full Version : Change properties for multiple views?

2010-05-05, 08:55 AM
Using 2010, I would highlight a number of views in the project browser and right click for properties. I could then bulk change settings such as default view template. Now in 2011, I select the views but the modeless properties dialog doesn't play nice.

Once or twice I have made it work where the filter will show '4 common items' for instance. But most of the time it will revert back to the current view properties once I select a multiple. What's more, if I select 4 elevations for instance, it will show properties for the current view (plan) but the type selector appears with a choice of elevation tags that will change what's selected in the browser!

It's seems confused and without a doubt, I am! Any thoughts.....

Alfredo Medina
2010-05-09, 02:23 AM
I tested this issue, and my report is this: no problem was found.
In both Revit Arch 2010 and 2011, if I select multiple sheets from the project browser, and do right click, I get two options: "Apply View Templates to All Views", and "Apply Default View Templates to All Views", which allow me to specify view templates to the sheets I have selected. The View Template property is not available as a setting in any of the two versions when you select sheets; it's not in the 2010 modal properties window, nor in 2011 modeless properties. This property is available only when you select views, such as Floor plans, Elevations, etc, but not when you select sheets; maybe that was the confusion.

2010-05-09, 02:44 AM

The issue is including a view that is on a sheet, WHEN you select it from the Sheets portion of the browser. I can select as many views as i want from the VIEWS portion, and have all of the common properties in the palette that are editable, including DEfault View Template.

Its only when i select a view that is on a sheet that it goes haywire.

Alfredo Medina
2010-05-09, 02:58 AM
Oh, I see. Good catch! Only when the views are selected from within a sheet item in the Project Browser, is when do get the View template property in the Properties dialog box. Thanks!

2010-05-09, 03:41 AM
Oh, I see. Good catch! Only when the views are selected from within a sheet item in the Project Browser, is when do get the View template property in the Properties dialog box. Thanks!

No, its the other way around. Here, at least, as far as multiple views go. To get the properties of multiples at once, i select them NOT from the sheet area, but from the Views area.

Alfredo Medina
2010-05-09, 04:26 AM
No, its the other way around. Here, at least, as far as multiple views go. To get the properties of multiples at once, i select them NOT from the sheet area, but from the Views area.

Hmm.. maybe we have a confusion here. When we select, for example Floor Plan Level 1, Floor Plan Level 2 from Views > Floor plans in the Project Browser we do get the View template property available in the Properties dialog box, modal or modeless. OK. Now, when we select just the names of the sheets the property is not available. Now, when you select the views from within a sheet from Sheets > Sheet 1 > View 1, View 2, etc.. (please see attached image) we do get the View template property available again in the Properties dialog box.

2010-05-09, 04:42 AM
Hmm.. maybe we have a confusion here. When we select, for example Floor Plan Level 1, Floor Plan Level 2 from Views > Floor plans in the Project Browser we do get the View template property available in the Properties dialog box, modal or modeless. OK. Now, when we select just the names of the sheets the property is not available. Now, when you select the views from within a sheet from Sheets > Sheet 1 > View 1, View 2, etc.. (please see attached image) we do get the View template property available again in the Properties dialog box.

No, theres no confusion. That works if thats ALL that you select. But per the Original Posters question, if you select a view (Like your Floor Plan) from in a Sheet in the project browser, AND select other views from the Views area of the browser, it fails to work correctly. It tries to bring up the properties of the SHEET, which isnt even selected, and since SHEETS dont get a view template, the property field goes away.

Alfredo Medina
2010-05-09, 02:42 PM
OK. Now I see that the properties window does behave differently with this type of selection of views, in two different places at the same time. Then, to avoid this, the user should always select from only one place, either from the views portion of the Project Browser, or from the list of views inside a Sheet item in the same Project Browser. I would not say that Revit fails to work correctly in this situation. It is a very unexpected way of selecting views, anyway.

2010-05-09, 05:00 PM
Not really, depending on how you keep your project browser sorted. If you use any of the :"not on sheets" sorting options, and you want to select all of your floor plans but not all of them are on sheets, you have to do everything twice. Once, for whats not on the sheets, and once, for what is.

Or, you have to toggle back the browser to not use the Not on Sheets option, to make the views all visible in the Views area. Either way, its an extra step.

And the SHEET and the VIEW on the sheet are entirely seperate entities, so why its trying to show properties of the SHEET, when the sheets sub element is selected, is definetely buggy behavior. Hopefully they fix it in the SP.

2010-05-10, 08:08 AM
...is definetely buggy behavior. Hopefully they fix it in the SP.
Good, I'm not just going mad! Having said that, I can't replicate the original behaviour; LOL. For the record, I was only ever selecting from the view portion of the browser, I very rarely select sub elements from sheets. Revit crashes on me when previewing medium quality materials so I may have a buggy installation.

2010-05-10, 08:13 AM
Revit crashes on me when previewing medium quality materials so I may have a buggy installation.
Ok, now I can't make it crash!!!!!!! It seems Revit has miraculously healed over the weekend! I don't like bugs but i'm even more uncomfortable when computers just start working properly without being fixed...why....how...can I trust it? ;)

2010-05-18, 09:48 PM
Yep, I'm having this problem as well. Have to change view properties one sheet at a time.

2010-05-19, 12:06 PM
I have this too, except the problem is only on my office machine. My home laptop (Dell M90) works fine. Go figure.

2010-06-10, 01:05 AM
Having the same frustrating problem, I want to change multiple sheet properties at the same time, but modeless properties only lets me change one at a time!

2010-06-10, 08:06 AM
I have this too, except the problem is only on my office machine. My home laptop (Dell M90) works fine. Go figure.
What's each system running OS wise. I'm using Windows7 64bit. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

2010-06-10, 02:22 PM
Win 7 64 bit here without the problem, so im going to wager the OS has nothing to do with it...

2010-06-10, 02:42 PM
Win 7 64 bit here without the problem, so im going to wager the OS has nothing to do with it...
I wonder what else it could be? Maybe a graphics issue then. So it works fine for you? Why Revit Why!!:cry:

2010-06-10, 03:54 PM
I just tried to change view types of a bunch of details in the project browser and it would only do them one at a time...even though it says in properties that I have multiple views selected...

At the time I was in one of the detail views....so I thought maybe it puts a temporary lock on the view of sorts so I switched to another view type and tried to change the views again....ha ha...it worked...

2010-06-15, 02:44 PM
Found an answer but not a solution. The common factor that hasn't been metioned here is probably dual monitors!

If you double click the title bars for the project browser and the modeless properties then they will dock. Click inside a view just to release them. Now try selecting multiple views and it will collectively call the "Common(3)" next to edit type.

Double click both title bars to return them to their floating position. Not a fix but a workaround if you want to do multiple view settings.

Supporting a second monitor is clearly a very complicated thing indeed. Luckily, the CAD industry has very little need for extra screen space.

2010-06-15, 02:50 PM

It works here with the Properties palette on the second monitor, but with the Project Browser on Monitor two if gives me grief. HOWEVER: With the Project browser on Monitor 2, it doesnt work at all for me, not even one sheet at a time.

It seems to be an issue with: Once you move the mouse at all, it cancels the entry in to the data field, which is nuts.

2010-06-15, 02:56 PM
It works here with the Properties palette on the second monitor, but with the Project Browser on Monitor two if gives me grief.
I'm getting exaclty the same behaviour. I did try it before with the project browser only docked but didn't follow my own advice and click in the view to release it.

At least we now know!

2010-06-15, 03:20 PM
File a Support Request...

2010-06-15, 03:21 PM
File a Support Request...
Just have. It's gone to the development team.