View Full Version : phase created scheduleing

2010-05-06, 08:16 PM
How do you schedule the phase that an element in created in?
For example, I have an existing floor plan with existing rooms and doors. I want to create a schedule that shows the doors grouped together by phase and to list which phase it is created in. I also want to create a room schedule that shows new rooms and existing rooms that are grouped together the same way. Please help!! Any ideas are welcome.

Btw, I am running Revit Architecture 2011.

2010-05-06, 09:03 PM
Create duplicate schedules and set the phase of each one to whatever you need. Then just place those on your sheet.

Scott Womack
2010-05-07, 11:39 AM
How do you schedule the phase that an element in created in?
For example, I have an existing floor plan with existing rooms and doors. I want to create a schedule that shows the doors grouped together by phase and to list which phase it is created in. I also want to create a room schedule that shows new rooms and existing rooms that are grouped together the same way.

You cannot"list" the phase, period. The phase is one of those pieces of information that is not entirely accessible. Possible the API programming system could get to that information, and duplicate/park it in a shared parameter that could be scheduled. but that is the only conceivable way at this time.

Besides, Revit always looks at the present phase a view is set to, and all other previous phases get lumped into "existing" in relation to the phase you are looking at, even if there were 5 previous phases, in relation to Phase 6 phases 1 to 5 all are treated as 1 existing phase.

Otherwise Brian stated how it must be done.