View Full Version : Parking Striping - inplace family vs split face

2010-05-06, 08:58 PM
We tried using split faces for parking stripes (as seen in picture) and the problem is when the slab changes for any reason, split faces get removed (pain in the ____) So, we're doing them as an in place family (site family, parking one would get counted as a parking stall)

Anyone else have a suggestion on how they make theirs? we'd talked about a family, but that's inconvenient as we don't want to have to make a custom family for each condition...

Thanks ahead of time.

Edit - We are doing it this way right now so that it is sort of render friendly. that's not of huge importance, but we do want to be able to show it as yellow stripes when in shaded-with-edges mode.

cliff collins
2010-05-06, 09:02 PM
see this:



2010-05-06, 10:41 PM
hey cliff, thanks for the link, though that tends to cover the stalls, of which we don't have issues, it's more the striping around the garage that is the problem right now. (check the attached image, you'll see what i mean)
We have a bunch of different conditions like that and I'm trying to avoid families for each condition. As mentioned, split faces are nice until you have to edit the slab for any reason, cause then it just deletes the split face.

Thanks again.

2010-05-06, 10:46 PM
I've added a new pic to show more of what I'm talking about.

Right now they're done as in-place families. Just looking to see if others have alternative ways of doing it. As mentioned, split-facing is nice, till you edit the slab, then it sucks cause you have to redo it all...

2010-05-07, 01:44 AM
If youre in 2011 with realistic Mode, a very very very thin floor would do it.With the stripes attached as the material jpg and a model pattern for hidden line and documents. Use one floor for the diagonals, and one floor for the surround (solid yellow). Two sketches, sharing a common edge, and youre out the door as fast (basically) as you can trace the outline of that area.

Otherwise, id use a family. A line Based family can be a single stripe or a region of stripes. Depending how you compile the family, it could be flexible enough to not need many variations.

cliff collins
2010-05-07, 12:46 PM
The Land Cadd for Revit plug-in looks promising--as it can do striping automatically
of sloped paving/topo. It can also do curbs/gutters along sloping drives, walks, patios, etc.

But for $1000 you sure wish Adesk would just buy their plug-in and put it in Revit!



2010-05-07, 03:58 PM
@cliff - lol, $1000 for an add-on is insane just for some stripes.. I'd rather deal with the headaches of this method and save the company that kind of money!

I'd LOVE to know how many people have just gone ahead and forked out the money for that add-on though.. and how many of them really find it was worth that much of an investment.

cliff collins
2010-05-07, 04:00 PM
