View Full Version : Standard Details

2010-05-10, 02:34 AM
Anyone putting together standard details, footings and grade beam details for example?

I've seen people say you shoudl create drawing views in a .rvt file. Some people say create a 2D family for each detail. Someone even said not to do standard details, just do hybrid details in each project.

What's everyone doing for standard details? I'm not sure I agree with the "model hybrid details in each project" approach. It seems like a waste of time if you have standard details in each project. Maybe I'm still thinking in ACA.

Detail families? Put a bunch of drawing views in a .rvt file?? Don't worry about standard details? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

2010-05-10, 02:58 AM
You can have drafting views in Detail projects, and you can use Insert from File to bring them in. Its pretty senseless to redraw the same thing over and over and over, AS LONG AS youre *interpretation* of a standard detail isnt an over articulated thing that can CONTRADICT things in the model. At that point, youre sacrifcing the model integrity.

We've got Heads and Jambs for doors, that specifically DONT call out anything about the partition, and dont even call out any variable dimensions on the Frame. If its variable, the detail directs them to the schedule. No heights called out, no walls, etc.

2010-05-10, 02:11 PM
You can have drafting views in Detail projects, and you can use Insert from File to bring them in. Its pretty senseless to redraw the same thing over and over and over, AS LONG AS youre *interpretation* of a standard detail isnt an over articulated thing that can CONTRADICT things in the model. At that point, youre sacrifcing the model integrity.

We've got Heads and Jambs for doors, that specifically DONT call out anything about the partition, and dont even call out any variable dimensions on the Frame. If its variable, the detail directs them to the schedule. No heights called out, no walls, etc.
Hmmm, I think I'm in a gray area. Most of my buildings are the same thing over and over. The main thing we build is lube centers. Not much design change there. I may change the aesthetics a bit, and do some custom stuff inside, but overall it's pretty much the same.

So, I was going to create all my structural detailing as standard details. BUT, there will be certain circumstances when that may change, depending on the aesthetics. Soooo. what do I do? lol

Unfortunately, the boss is used to me cranking out drawings in a rediculously short amount of time, like 1 to 2 days on a $3M project. Not sure which way is the best way to go here.

cliff collins
2010-05-10, 02:34 PM
This sounds like a "prototype" job, similar to a Walgreens, Home Depot, etc. where there are "standard" building types which are then adapted to local sites/cities, etc.

In my experience, these types of jobs are best done by converting all the legacy
"cadd" standard details to Revit 2D details, place them on the server and then load them
into a "Prototype Template" for future use in Revit. Model the "box", getting the main building mass, foundations, walls/materials, glazing, roof, etc. into Revit "correctly"
and then later the documents will come together very quickly.

The 1st time thru you will spend quite a bit of time getting the Revit model and details
sorted out from the legacy "cadd" version--and you won't make a profit, so plan on it and explain it to management. i.e. build it once correctly, then reap the benefits on the next jobs. The fees tend to be very small, and schedules very fast, as you noted.

However, once sorted out--you will be FLYING thru a set of documents much faster
than even the legacy "cadd" guys could bang out. It will be more of a Site Planning
and P&Z exercise getting it adapted to the site and thru city approvals then modifying
it to get permits. Arch. Review boards, sign ordinances, Civil engineering issues, curb-cuts/right of ways, signage ordinances, etc. will chew up your fee real quick.

Just my 2 c worth.


2010-05-10, 02:43 PM
Watch/read the Paul Aubin "Detailing in Revit Architecture" class from Autodesk University. It's available to you for free if you are on subscription.

Details that are always the same can be drafting views (brought in from AutoCAD) while project-specific details are created when necessary.

2010-05-10, 02:50 PM
Watch/read the Paul Aubin "Detailing in Revit Architecture" class from Autodesk University. It's available to you for free if you are on subscription.

Details that are always the same can be drafting views (brought in from AutoCAD) while project-specific details are created when necessary.
Thanks for the info guys. Cliff, you are spot on. We aren't as big as a Walgreens or HD, but it's the same concept. Same building base, just tweaked to meet city ordinance and ARC, city council, whatever.

I actually found and watched that video this weekend, along with a dozen others! There's a lot of good infot there. He really didn't talk too much about drafting views, though. That's where I got confused.

I think I'm on the right track. I'm going to make a details file, and if I need a project specific detail, I' make it in the project.

2010-05-11, 01:57 PM
Just ran into a minor issue. Please correct me if I'm looking at this the wrong way.

I'm doing my foundation plan for a custom lake house. I have the foundation drawn and decided to section the grade beams and footings and do hybrid details. So I did, and they came out pretty good.

Here's the issue, (and I knew this going in, just forgot about it). The section markers show up in every plan. I know I can just turn them off in the visiblity settings for the view, but what if I want to cut a section of my builidng? The section markers are turned off.

I noticed that the callout and referenced section markers are view specific. This leads me to believe that the best way to handle details is by doing drafting view, not sections. I don't need my section markers for my steel details to show up in my floor plan and elevations.

Am I looking at this the wrong way? Is there a way to create a section marker that will only show up in a certain veiw?

2010-05-11, 04:09 PM
Make a new TYPE of section marker, and use a Filter to turn them off. You can filter by TYPE.

Also, i dont mind "typical details," but for the kind of work youre doing, i would be MUCH MUCH MUCH more inclined to make my "detail library" sets of "detail groups" that get placed over LIVE sections, then to use drafting views.

No matter how repetitive the work is, i would never use a drafting view for a section. Ever. I would use it for something of diminishing returns on investment. Door heads, pipe flashing and penetration details, etc.

2010-05-11, 05:45 PM
Make a new TYPE of section marker, and use a Filter to turn them off. You can filter by TYPE.

Also, i dont mind "typical details," but for the kind of work youre doing, i would be MUCH MUCH MUCH more inclined to make my "detail library" sets of "detail groups" that get placed over LIVE sections, then to use drafting views.

No matter how repetitive the work is, i would never use a drafting view for a section. Ever. I would use it for something of diminishing returns on investment. Door heads, pipe flashing and penetration details, etc.
Well, I call it a section, but it's not a building section. It's just a section cutting through my grade beams and footings. I would definately use live sections and hybrid detailing for building sections. Right? lol

2010-05-11, 08:44 PM
Yes, but i mean go Edit/New -> Duplicate the TYPE of section. Then you can filter by view TYPE to select and make them invisible, and put that filter in a view template.

So Building sections can be visible, others not.

2010-05-11, 10:13 PM
Yes, but i mean go Edit/New -> Duplicate the TYPE of section. Then you can filter by view TYPE to select and make them invisible, and put that filter in a view template.

So Building sections can be visible, others not.
aAAAHHH, Okay. Let me try that. That way I don't have to redo all my hybrid sections I've already done. lol

You need to let me buy you lunch one day so you can show me what the hell I'm supposed to do. lol

2010-05-11, 10:22 PM
Get out to Autodesk University in December. We can kick back some beers and talk shop. :)

2010-05-12, 01:39 AM
If you don't want the section cut from your foundation to show up on the floor plan, make sure that you have your views properly assigned to Arch, Struct, etc.

2010-05-12, 02:35 PM
If you don't want the section cut from your foundation to show up on the floor plan, make sure that you have your views properly assigned to Arch, Struct, etc.
Didn't even think of that. Too much to learn, so little time. lol Thanks for the tip. I'll definately look into it.

Get out to Autodesk University in December. We can kick back some beers and talk shop. :)
I wish my company would send me. They won't even send me to a class to learn Revit. Hell, my computer is barely fast enough to run it! I have to choose my battles. First, get Revit. Then, get a new PC. Maybe after that I can go to AU. lol

2010-05-20, 11:29 PM
This is what we been doing ....
We have one Revit file Each Division. These files does not have ANY models in them but just 2D Drafting Views Properly Named. Eg. 02-SITE.rvt .... this has ALL our standard site detail Views / 08-DOORS & WINDOW.rvt .... these all ALL difference types of Door and window details.
In Our office we make sure all our standard Details are "composed/ compiled" of mostly 2D Detail Components. Very few lines. Why Detail Components? Because we can TAG each one of them. Tagging Helps us keep our notes consistent through the entire project.
Plus, Changing a detail Reference in one TAG updates every where...
Your Annotation TAG is a DETAIL TYPE TAG.
3. When we need a detail....We "INSERT FROM FILE" select/check details we need and load them up. Update your 2D Detail Components TYPE PARAMETERS per project.....Every single note (If TAGGED Correctly) is updated.
4. Please see sample of our TAGGING system. That's an old file Done in RAC2009 but you'll get the picture.

2010-05-21, 01:24 AM
Thanks Nsinha, I'll check it out. :beer: