View Full Version : Stacked wall height

2010-05-10, 02:24 PM
This may be a wish list item, but why doesn't the edit assembly dialouge box for stacked walls give you a heigh for each component? In other words, say you have 8 components and you need the fifth one to be at 12'.? You need to add up every one to make sure it's at 12'. It would be way easier to be able to see what the overall height of each component is in relation to the base of the wall.

And another thing, why would they allow resizeable dialogue boxes, but only on some of them? I wish they would let ALL dialogue boxes be resizeable.

Scott D Davis
2010-05-10, 05:46 PM
And another thing, why would they allow resizeable dialogue boxes, but only on some of them? I wish they would let ALL dialogue boxes be resizeable.

Factory is working on this. Guess in programming terms its not as easy as checking the "all dialogs resizeable" check box.

2010-05-10, 07:03 PM
Factory is working on this. Guess in programming terms its not as easy as checking the "all dialogs resizeable" check box.
Cool. Thanks.

And BTW, how cool is it that they are called "The Factory"? lol

Very Andy Warhol like. :beer: