View Full Version : HUGE Revit bug when dimensioning in the Family Editor?

2010-05-10, 03:08 PM
I just started my first family in Revit 2011. Metric Generic Model

Drew a LI rectagle and then dimensioned the sides.

Went into the Dimension's "Edit Type" and modified from "Gap to element" to Fixed and the dimensions will not update. I can draw new ones with the new settings, but the old ones don't change.

I can keep drawing but although they are the same family type they will not update to the new settings.

Can anyone verify this? It seems the parametric engine is broken somehow?

Posted a picture of them all, SELECTED, being the same Family, yet having differences between them.

Alfredo Medina
2010-05-10, 04:31 PM
Is this the first time you attempt to create a family in Revit or just in Revit 2011?; "A HUGE Revit bug in the Family Editor", and "the Parametric Engine is broken"? are some big statements.

cliff collins
2010-05-10, 04:34 PM
Or was it the first family created in RAC 2011?

Either way, there does seem to be a problem.

Perhaps post an example for us to look at?


2010-05-10, 04:45 PM
I don't believe there is anything broken here. Because this gap can be adjusted after placement, Revit only uses the setting for placement and it would not automatically change once it is placed.

2010-05-10, 05:46 PM
Never paid much attention to dimensions in families to that level before.....since they wont show up when placed in the model... ;)

2010-05-10, 05:58 PM
Have you actually tried the thing i described.
Just because i have the "100 club" under my username does not mean it's my "first time" doing anything.

And i have posted an example and a small snip.

Try this:

Start revit.
New Family.
Select Generic Model.
Draw a rectangle.
Dimension whatever you like.

Select one dimension.
Click edit type.
Change some settings and the fixed gap.
Click ok.
See if they update.
They all do expect gap. It seems to be treating them as if a manually adjusted them all.

Create a new dimension to see that it creates two dimensions of the same family WITH different TYPE properties.
They seem to treat then as instance properties even though they are type properties.

Tried the same thing in a project and they seem to behave properly.

Is this is the first time you attempt to create a family in Revit or just in Revit 2011?; "A HUGE Revit bug in the Family Editor", and "the Parametric Engine is broken"? are some big statements.

2010-05-10, 06:02 PM
You are partly right. But all the others do change.
In my case none of them do.

I don't believe there is anything broken here. Because this gap can be adjusted after placement, Revit only uses the setting for placement and it would not automatically change once it is placed.

2010-05-10, 06:13 PM
1) Just tried this, using Apply and OK. All changes made to dimension type update on all dimensions in the canvas. Even reversing it worked. Also did this in a project and it behaved exactly the same way. I'm starting to wonder if there's something machine specific with the family editor in 2011 because I've been having similar "not working for me" issues with another AUGI poster's family.

2) "does not mean it's my 'first time' doing anything" -> "I just started my first family in Revit 2011"... just sayin...

3) Ignore cliff, he's opposite of most of us; he just reads the words and ignores the pretty pictures. :)

4) There is such a thing as polite criticism in Forum Etiquette (see number 3)

I'll try to post a jing of the settings updating when I get a chance.

2010-05-10, 06:14 PM
Same thing happens in RAC 2010, but like another poster stated, since this is in the family editor, the dimensions dont show up when placed in the model, so it really isnt paid much attention to. Not to say your question doesnt have merit, but saying its a HUGE bug or asking if the Parametric Engine is broken, seem to be a little un-warranted, since this does not affect the actual dimension value.