View Full Version : How To: Embedded Wall Types

Scott D Davis
2004-12-09, 09:47 PM
Have you had the need to do walls that are made up of varying thicknesses of materials? For instance, a 12" thick concrete wall, but within that are 4" thick panels of brick wall that are reveals?

This is made simple in Revit 7.0!

1. Draw a wall of any type (I used 12" concrete in the example)
2. Draw another wall type directly over the top in plan of the first wall. (I used 4" brick) This used to be bad, and caused all kinds of error dialog boxes. Well, you still get a "warning" dialog that walls overlap...but that's okay!
3. Switch to a 3D view, and wireframe if necessary to see the 'embedded walls'.
4. Use the Cut Geometry Tool (it tells you this in the overlapping warning dialog) and pick the Host wall, then the inset panel.
5. The two walls will become one, and the reveal will show through! You can highlight the individual panels, and adjust them with grips or properties, and the embedded pieces will follow the host wall if it changes direction!

I've posted the steps I took, and a couple of examples using some compound wall styles. ENJOY! (and post back some of the things you come up with using this tool!)

2004-12-09, 10:48 PM
Did you edit the profile of the embedded walls to make the arches?

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-09, 11:00 PM
This is one of those cool new features in R7 that solves a problem I never knew I had.

Scott D Davis
2004-12-10, 12:02 AM
Did you edit the profile of the embedded walls to make the arches?
Yes, I edited the elevation after I embedded them. You can edit the profile, or stretch and move around the embedded wall after the Cut Geometry has happend.

2004-12-10, 12:07 AM
I think embedded wall types is my favorite feature in 7.0. Especially since it saves me so much time. I think my time is now cut in regard to curtain walls. All I need now is to able to tag a whole curtain wall as one item and then Revit will be perfect.:)

Mr Spot
2004-12-10, 12:26 AM
You can also go directly into the wall properties and change it to "automatically embed wall"...

2004-12-10, 09:14 PM
Yes, but the "automatically embed wall" parameter is there for curtain wall types only.