View Full Version : What version of Revit does your office use?

2010-05-12, 01:58 AM
I am currently learning Revit 2010 and trying to figure out if I need to switch to 2011 right away.

Let me know what version you are using. If you are upgrading in the very near future, say within two months vote for that version as opposed to your current.


2010-05-12, 02:04 AM
Seeing as how everyone is valuing their ADesk subscriptions, I would say you want to upgrade as soon as you can. However, you're not having to relearn the software. Most of the UI changes are rather intuitive.

2010-05-12, 06:10 PM
We generally have been keeping each project in the version in which it was started, unless it's a very simple project. We haven't started any new projects since 2011 came out, but once we do, we'll probably use it.

2010-05-12, 08:28 PM
Where's the option for all 3? We have projects in 2009, 2010, and 2011.

And for people wondering if they should go to 2011 from 2010, my users are stating a night and day difference in performance and stability in 2011 vs 2010. So much so that we are probably going to upgrade all 2010 projects to 2011 very soon.

2010-05-13, 11:57 AM
we skipped 2010 because it was so awful, and are now considering 2011, but would need to upgrade some workstations first. so the majority of work is still done on 2009

2010-05-13, 12:18 PM
For me I go ahead upgrade existing projects to the newest release unless I am working with other firms that need to continue working in an older one. IMO each release adds enough productivity enhancements, I see no reason to wait. 2011 is no exception I am finding small things everyday (that is in addition to the published changes) that just make my life as an architect easier and help me to produce better projects for my clients.

2010-05-13, 05:09 PM
Where's the option for all 3? We have projects in 2009, 2010, and 2011.

And for people wondering if they should go to 2011 from 2010, my users are stating a night and day difference in performance and stability in 2011 vs 2010. So much so that we are probably going to upgrade all 2010 projects to 2011 very soon.

Agreed, night and day, like Vista and Windows 7. Not many enjoyed Vista (2010), but everyone's jumping on Windows 7 (2011) like Vista's the Titanic ;)

2010-05-13, 05:15 PM
Were getting everyone and every project in to 2011 as soon as circumstances allow. IT having time to install and consultants lagging behind are the only holdups at the moment.

2010-05-13, 05:21 PM
We generally try to upgrade all projects to the new version, usually right after the deadline following the new version release. Given the performance boost and fixes to the UI I don't see any reason not to upgrade as soon as possible. That and Electrical Engineers can probably be induced to bribe you with fine scotch if that is what it takes to get a project into 2011 ASAP. ;)


2010-05-13, 06:02 PM
Using 2009, but will be upgrading to 2011 shortly, now that the drunken leprechaun has sobered somewhat, and with the performance gains reported in 2011.

2010-05-14, 05:15 AM
Thanks for all the replies so far! It looks like 2011 is gaining a clear lead.
I am using an Autodesk Assistance license for 2010 and will be checking to see if it can be applied to 2011.

2010-05-14, 06:20 AM
Even tough we are on subscription at our office, we are yet to recieve the new version of Revit. Autodesk has been very good at avoiding in giving us a straight answer as to why our subscription page has not yet been updated. Myself and our reseller has been trying ever since its release...no luck. THANKS AUTODESK

Wes Macaulay
2010-05-14, 03:49 PM
2011 is great. It's just really buggy - more buggy than a lot of RTM releases I've seen from Adesk! I can't comment on stability other than we have had some problems on one file.

2010-05-14, 05:25 PM
2011 is great. It's just really buggy - more buggy than a lot of RTM releases I've seen from Adesk! I can't comment on stability other than we have had some problems on one file.

Wes, curious about your working definition of bug here? I am finding that 2011 is pretty solid as far as performance and stability bugs, especially with regards to using GeForce cards rather than Quadros. In 2010 GeForce pretty much required that hardware acceleration be turned off. Not so in 2011.
Now when it comes to half @$$ed implementations, incomplete features, inconsistent UI and all the rest, I am feeling like 100% of the new features where not done "right" the first time and will need polish. I dearly wish Autodesk would follow the Apple development model of "Fewer features, better features" rather than the Microsoft model of "The marketing materials are FULL of bullet points, aren't we cool."


2010-05-14, 06:36 PM
Im curious too. Im finding it to be the most bug free release in years. Its got one or two abnormalities that weve noticed, but nothing i would really call *buggy*.

2010-05-14, 09:19 PM
Wes, would love to know more about bugs. The policy here is generally to wait for other people to step on the landmines, so to speak, and then upgrade after Autodesk releases the first service pack / bug fixes / etc. Or at least go in knowing what the issues are

I'm enthusiastic about 2011 because it seems to be generally well received.

2010-05-14, 09:41 PM
At a former User Group meeting here in Denmark, we actually tried to agree on an official National date to upgrade all new Revit projects... But even in an petite country (5.5 mill) it´s an impossible task - SO, upgrade when YOU and your most clients/partners are ready for it...

Wes Macaulay
2010-05-14, 09:52 PM
Halftoning of wall sweeps not available
Can't right click > make editable multiple views' worksets
Can't right click > select all instances of viewports in project
Group edit toolbar disappears - can't finish group
Status bar regens very, very slowly - software hangs for 10-20 seconds
Override element - first time in the dialog, choosing color is VERY slow
Workset drop down doesn't show worksets as not being editable after relinquishing user-created worksetsAnd there's more. But they generally don't affect stability -- they're just annoying. But the fixes and performance improvements and better Ribbon make up for it all to be sure.