View Full Version : material takeoff issue

Ning Zhou
2010-05-14, 04:43 PM
see attached jpg, i have a schedule w/ all siding material, most of them are in wall category, but for siding whthin (user defined) column family, area needs to be (at least) half due to Revit (family) limitation.
using calculated and formula seems the way out, but formula won't allow comparing of text parameter like (if Comments = "Column", Area/2, Area).
any good around except API?

2010-05-14, 05:01 PM
Not following what your issue is with the column. If you explain a bit further you might get an answer.

Ning Zhou
2010-05-14, 05:33 PM
see attached jpg, the brown colored is the "siding" which existed in wall/gable/column, since column is user defined family in which "siding" resided, these "siding" material takeoff will include all 6 sides of solid comparing to only 1 side of wall, so i have to divide that number by 2 at least, furthermore, since wall "siding" and column "siding" are in SAME schedule, how to divide column "siding" area by 2 but not affecting wall and gable "siding" area?

Alfredo Medina
2010-05-15, 02:38 PM
For your first problem: scheduling the siding correctly, the solution is to paint the column in the family editor, by faces. Paint only the faces you need. (Save the family as another file if required). Then, in your schedule, use filters to exclude the default materials. Please see attached image for a proposed solution.

For the second problem, about why you can't use:

(if Comments = "Column", Area/2, Area)

please check reply # 4 in this other thread:

Although, if you paint the column, now you don't need that formula anyway.

Ning Zhou
2010-05-15, 05:03 PM
thanks Alfredo.
if paint has to be done in family level, then it's not practical, i've assigned material parameter within that column family so it can be changed in project level.
my feeling is that maybe it can be solved in 2011 using conditional format, well, i don't have Revit at home, i'll test it on Monday and report back.
in summery, 2 material takeoff issues need to be solved by Autodesk for Revit loaded family, maybe 2012 version?
1) void cut loaded family (sub)component at project level
2) only 1 side solid material assignment for loaded family (sub)component
besides, will be great if type label parameter and text parameter can be used in formula, maybe it's already available in 2011? i've to check it on Monday.
have a great weekends!

2010-05-16, 05:11 AM
You can actually parameterize painting in the family editor! Take a look at this (http://do-u-revit.blogspot.com/2010/02/revit-families-to-split-or-not-to-split.html).

2010-05-16, 05:13 AM
"void cut loaded family (sub)component at project level"

definately on my 2012 wishlist!

Ning Zhou
2010-05-16, 04:32 PM
You can actually parameterize painting in the family editor! Take a look at this (http://do-u-revit.blogspot.com/2010/02/revit-families-to-split-or-not-to-split.html).

thanks Dave, i didn't know it before, i'll definitely try it tomorrow, i hope ONLY parametered paint material appears in takeoff schedule, not the solid material which is not desired because it'll report more than 1 sided material, my guess is it won't as long as you don't assign any material to that solid, i've to check it tomorrow.

Ning Zhou
2010-05-17, 02:41 PM
just tested and seems it doesn't work, see attached rvt and jpg, painting ONLY 1 face will still report more than 1 face in terms of material area.

Edit: using conditional format won't solve my issue either, back to square one, i've to find another way around.

Ning Zhou
2010-05-17, 03:26 PM
oops, i forgot one step, Alfredo is right, i have to assign default material first, thanks Alfredo and Dave, it works now.