View Full Version : Re-imaged laptop will not relicense with Revit7

2004-12-10, 03:28 AM
OK, now it's getting bad...

The same user that prompted the post http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11751 was having problems where Revit would announce that it needed a hotfix or service pack. So we reimaged the laptop tonight and now I cannot get his Revit7 to do the 60 day demo. I presume this is because the demo license was associated to the MAC address of this laptop when it was obtained.

So the question is, now what? I have a live project file that he can no longer work on on his laptop and I have until he gets to work tomorrow morning at 7am EST to resolve this problem.

I truly hope someone at Autodesk watches this forum this late and can authorize this laptop or our network licenses so this problem can be resolved.

Help Please.

2004-12-10, 04:48 AM
You have to call Autodesk Revit Tech Support at the "Factory" in Mass., USA first thing when they open Friday morning. They can supply you with an emergency license code that will authorize your product until the full licensed version CD arrives.

I went through this as well, and tech support handled me in minutes. The word is that the "Trial"
version will not reinitialize after a hard drive reformat to discourage software pirates from reformatting their machines every sixty days.

I am sorry I do not have the phone # here and now, perhaps some other kind soul could PM you with it, or better yet, as you said, perhaps one of the Factory folks will respond to this thread soon.

Good Luck,


Scott D Davis
2004-12-10, 04:56 AM
At the top of the list of threads on the Revit General Forum, there is an "Announcement" thread which is a How to Contact Revit Support.

2004-12-10, 05:12 AM
Thanks guys. I found the Support number but of course no one is at home now. I will call them first thing in the morning.

Fully understand the problem. However, it should have been coded to allow for the return of the remaining days, but I guess that could be implemented next time at the "working beta" of Revit8.

Also, it was hard to decipher the number as no numeric equivalent to "gorevit" was posted and you cannot dial that on a Rim/Nextel Blackberry since the letters do not map. Had to go look at a hard line phone. May want to add the real number.....

Thanks again for the help.

2004-12-10, 03:37 PM
Called support and they walked me through entering a temporary license to get a request code. Sent that to them by email and it will be "around lunch" before they get back to me with the activation code.

2004-12-10, 11:36 PM
I had a similar problem... but I lost the ability to save the files... Revit was GREAT... they got back with me right away... (lost ability on Sunday night... naturally and had a Monday morning presentation) I did the presentation with out the ability to save changes (not ideal but hey... things happen) Revit Walk me thru the fix

Revit is my kind of Company... we are all in the service business and they have been terrific