View Full Version : Project help!

2003-09-25, 07:01 PM
I have a model of a car dealership that I have been working on on and off for the last month. I have a presentation to the city for design review next week. I have a client who just decided he wants to add an additional 200sf to the building. I set this thing up with a grid system from the beginning. Some things are locked to the grids and some are locked to each other. Shouldn't I be able to just unlock the dimension that constrains the model in the area that I want to add 4' to and then move the grid or change the dimension to get it to move 4'?? This is how I understand Revit to work...

Why then, when I try this, does it give me an error that the floor sketch is invalid? It does not allow me to move the grid line at all. Basically, I am going to have to start pulling the model apart and moving things one by one. Any suggestions? Anyone want to take a look?


2003-09-25, 07:14 PM
Most likely your floor is joined to the wall or walls you are messing around with...

you could:

Delete the floor
Alter the floor so it has to be disconnected from the walls
Move the walls and check the disjoin box
Un-join geometry and check the floor and the wall(s)

just some thoughts

2003-09-25, 07:34 PM
Yep. I am in the process of deleting floors, moving walls, realigning stuff. I definitely think we should put together a "best-practices" type of manual for new users. This experience is making me feel like a total newbie!