View Full Version : 2011 Print Collate STILL DOESN'T WORK

2010-05-19, 01:34 PM
Really, is there any other function that has not worked in Revit for longer than the Collate function? I've been using Revit for six years and 11 releases now (including the old point releases) and Collate has NEVER worked. Why even have the check box if it doesn't work? It is the absolute most annoying thing EVER to have to manually collate 10+ sets of drawings with 5 or 10 or more sheets each.

2010-05-19, 02:14 PM
That does suck. As a work around, have you tried plotting to a DWFx file, then plotting your sets from there?

2010-05-19, 02:28 PM
Yes if I have lots of sets to print I usually print to PDF and then print/collate out of Adobe. I didn't do that this morning because it was only 3 sets of 4 sheets, but it's still a pain.

2010-05-19, 06:21 PM
Response from Support:

Thank you for submitting this issue. Development is planning on entirely correcting the issue for the 2012 version, so hopefully this won't be an issue next year.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help right now!

Best regards,

So they're not even planning on a fix for any immediate service pack or hot-fix.

2010-05-19, 07:07 PM
Response from Support:

So they're not even planning on a fix for any immediate service pack or hot-fix.
Wow, I want to work for Adesk!

I'm sorry, but I don't plan on fixing that until.....well..........next year sometime. Suckas!! lol

2010-05-19, 07:19 PM
hrm, i always figured it it was our printer here...

personally, if i need to print multiple sets, i either print once and let our printing company do it, or print to multipage PDF and then print that the number of times i need.

2010-05-20, 04:14 AM
Yep it is funtionality which has always and remains pretty well stuffed.

As I print almost everything to pdf first, it only comes to bite me when I have clients in the office and they ask for a few prints of whatever we are working only. In almost every intance when they watch me manually collate the sheets I hear the ...tut tut, forgot to pick the collate button did we? #@$%$@!!! No is my response.


2010-05-20, 12:57 PM
I always go to PDF anyway. In fact, the PDF writer is the only plotter we install on everyones machine here. Its not like it takes longer to plot it through adobe, except for two or three clicks. Certainly less time than collating. haha.

And while im not defending the Support response.... If theyre admitting theyre going to try redoing the entire plot structure next year (a rarity of an admission, ill say) are we REALLY upset they wont devote time to it now AND later?

Cuz next year when we complain we didnt get enough development.......

FWIW, i remember it working back in the "Revit PDF Writer4.2" days... Ala v8?Or 8.1? Or maybe we had it installed leftover from older installs.

2010-05-20, 01:13 PM
I didn't get from Support's response that they're reworking the entire print/plot structure, but I guess it would be good if they did. Pull-down boxes for pre-set sheet sets and print setups please? :)

2010-05-20, 01:54 PM
Good point, i guess i read their response too fast in your post. At least they figured out something to do about it if theres at least a plan to alter it, lol...

Wes Macaulay
2010-05-20, 06:05 PM
This is all hard to believe -- collating is a pretty basic and trusted function of any modern software platform.

What's also crazy is that I haven't actually run into this problem because we almost always print to PDF first too -- have a peek at the PDF, if it looks good, we print. So we're really using PDF as print preview :roll:

Wow. I can't believe they've gotten away with not fixing this -- you'd think we'd all have freaked out by now...

2010-05-20, 06:25 PM
This is all hard to believe -- collating is a pretty basic and trusted function of any modern software platform.

What's also crazy is that I haven't actually run into this problem because we almost always print to PDF first too -- have a peek at the PDF, if it looks good, we print. So we're really using PDF as print preview :roll:

Wow. I can't believe they've gotten away with not fixing this -- you'd think we'd all have freaked out by now...

I have $20 says they come up with some answer in house that doesn't actually work very well, real users/beta testers don't see it till it is too late to change, it ships in 2012 broken, and finally in 2013 a tweaked version of a flawed idea finally works well enough that we accept it out of resignation/desperation. Sound at all familiar?

Cue the sound clip. Lowered Expectations...


Wes Macaulay
2010-05-20, 06:36 PM
Squeaky wheels get the grease. Like I said, I hadn't even noticed the bug, but if tons of us had, we'd be annoyed, write SR's, b!tch about it here on AUGI, and the bug would get squashed.

It's a glaring bug once you realize it's there!

2010-05-20, 06:43 PM
Squeaky wheels get the grease. Like I said, I hadn't even noticed the bug, but if tons of us had, we'd be annoyed, write SR's, b!tch about it here on AUGI, and the bug would get squashed.

It's a glaring bug once you realize it's there!

9 years of b!tching about the elevation bubbles, remember. And when they finally did it, the one thing it can't do is the bubble that just about everyone drew by hand or autocad for years. It can get close, but it can't get it right. After nearly a decade of of b!tching and moaning. And not an isolated example, either. Something about DNA I guess.


Wes Macaulay
2010-05-20, 06:57 PM
LOL -- dude, your glass is so half empty :mrgreen:

You're talking about how text doesn't rotate with the elevation tag, eh?

Not a big deal -- maybe that's something they'll add. You'd want a "keep readable" feature so that an elevation that's looking mostly 'downwards' on a sheet doesn't give you upside-down text ;-)

2010-05-20, 07:54 PM
LOL -- dude, your glass is so half empty :mrgreen:

You're talking about how text doesn't rotate with the elevation tag, eh?

Not a big deal -- maybe that's something they'll add. You'd want a "keep readable" feature so that an elevation that's looking mostly 'downwards' on a sheet doesn't give you upside-down text ;-)

HUGE deal when the boss wants to know why a $5000 piece of supposedly "Purpose built" software can't follow a 50 year old architectural standard. I personally don't care, but LOTS of people do, and Autodesk basically said "@%#% you!" to those people. And actually, we want text that never rotate at all, nor the dividing line in the bubble, just like the section bubble text is bottom read all the time now. You know, a little CONSISTENCY between the tools. ;)

And while we are at it, cancel in a print job should mean cancel the JOB. It sucks enough when you mistakenly send 100 sheets, but then to have to hit cancel 100 times? @^#% stupid. Oh, and maybe a Fit to Page that fits to the page, not fits to 70% of the page? And maybe Print Range - Visible portion of current window could be made to not suck?

Obviously printing is chapping my hide right now. ;)


2010-05-20, 10:03 PM
Not meaning to hijack, but do you mean rotating text in elevations like this? (http://forums.augi.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=73552&d=1272219282)

Just curious. If you are referring to text as opposed to labels can you create a shared parameter in elevation tags for 2011? Haven't tried this yet.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic...

2010-05-20, 10:56 PM
Not meaning to hijack, but do you mean rotating text in elevations like this? (http://forums.augi.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=73552&d=1272219282)

Just curious. If you are referring to text as opposed to labels can you create a shared parameter in elevation tags for 2011? Haven't tried this yet.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic...

I believe what he means is that the drawing number should always be on top of the stack and the sheet number should always be on the bottom of the stack. Its pretty dumb that a graphic standard of text orientation is being ignored. Its suposed to be readable one of two ways so that I can flip thru a set like a book and read the horizontal text or look at it from the right side towards the binding strip and read the vertical text. In that image the text is rotating in all directions and the stack is flipping based on what side of the building its on, its just not all that easy or consistant to look at when your brains has to keep flipping things around everytime you look at something new.

BTW I'm going to laugh my @$$ off when they roll out the collate function in 2012 and we find out that it will only collate your sheets in reverse order. :lol:

2010-05-20, 11:02 PM
And now I know, thanks!