View Full Version : View templates: should they control workset visibility?

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-10, 10:10 PM
A few of us users in Vancouver have noted to our chagrin that view templates don't control worksets on/off... and we would like them to do this.

Don't know about how the rest of you work, but what we're finding is that users like to make two sets of views. One set is for plotting - everything's set-up the way they want for output. The other is for working; visibility of categories and worksets are being changed constantly.

Sometimes users may turn things on and off in the plotting views... then they forget that they turned workset X off. They'd really like it if view templates could reset the worksets on/off in these views, and it's becoming a workset management headache not unlike AutoCAD layers.

Please post your vote, and add your comments.

2004-12-10, 10:44 PM
totally agree, a no-brainer IMO

2004-12-10, 11:14 PM
The second option was funny enough that I was tempted to choose anyway.

2004-12-10, 11:17 PM
Would be much appreciated....

2004-12-13, 04:36 PM
Hey Wes, mind if I muddy the waters?

I have encountered the same frustration of having changes to the view / visibility properties mess up the plotting if you forget to change things back. The solution that I have been considering is to allow each view to have two view templates associated with it. One would be a "plotting" template that would be the default for a view placed on a sheet and one would be a "working" template that would be the default in the active or working view. This would eliminate the necessity of maintaining two sets of views.

Does anyone else think this has merit? Should I start a separate wishlist thread or can we incorporate this into your poll? (This is what I meant by muddying the waters.) Didn't mean to hijack your thread. I'd be willing to start a separate thread but it seems to make sense to include this here since it addresses the same issue.

2004-12-13, 05:32 PM
Hey Wes, mind if I muddy the waters?Just to muddy them even further...we'd very much like to see a view template that only makes the changes you check and leaves everything else alone.

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-13, 08:30 PM
Robert and Steve... both great ideas. Hopefully the Factory is reading this so we can get to work on implementing them for a future release.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-12-13, 08:58 PM
Since I was one of those who was chagrinning :) , I have to throw my vote behind this as well. Another solution might be having the ability to toggle a 'lock' for display properties and visibility. This could be part of the VP dialogue. A simple check or uncheck and a warning when you attempt to override.

Wes Macaulay
2004-12-13, 10:08 PM
OMG! Someone wants to have me killed :shock: !


2004-12-14, 03:54 AM
I dunno yet. Would hate to be a 'flip-flopper' so I will reserve decision until I hear more debates. There's probably a slippery 'gotcha' in linking worksets to view templates.


2004-12-14, 04:45 PM
OMG! Someone wants to have me killed :shock: !

Yeah, but only one..................... So far anyway. :)