
View Full Version : Moving multileader when changing scale.

Jonathan Pitt
2010-06-03, 02:49 PM
Hi all

I have a drawing with loads of multileaders in to denote duct sizes, when I change the scale some of the leader lines move around.

Any idea why this happens as it is only happening to some of them and not all?

See attached and check the position of the 250 dia multileader.

Any help appreciated.



2010-06-04, 06:05 AM
All annotative objects behave this way. Any stretch (i.e. also grip stretch) of an annotative object (or property edit in the Properties Palette) only affects the currently displayed scale of that object. The other scales are left as they were.

To match the other scales to the currently displayed, use the AnnoReset command. Also available through the right-click / Modify menu: Annotative Object Scale --> Synchronize Multiple-scale Positions.

Jonathan Pitt
2010-06-04, 08:08 AM
I guess I must have moved a few of them around at some point then?

The annoreset function is very useful, cheers for that :-)

2010-06-04, 09:24 AM
Yep, I've learnt the hard way myself. AnnoReset's become one of those commands I use quite often, like Purge, OverKill, Audit, etc. :lol:

Sometimes you do want various different positions for anno objects in different scales. But hardly ever would you want the arrow of the MLeader to move separate by scale ... maybe the text though, but definitely not the arrow! :mrgreen:

Unfortunately ACad's default is to move anno objects separate by scale if stretch is used. Move & Rotate & Scale work on all scales at once though. I have found some similar problems with anno blocks when using mirror :roll:, but I think that's a whole separate issue on its own!

Glenn Pope
2010-06-04, 01:31 PM
maybe the text though, but definitely not the arrow! :mrgreen:

Not necessarily. I have several time, for larger scales, I have to move a multileader to the other side of an object, and to not have the arrow going through the object I move the arrow as well. :mrgreen:

2010-06-04, 01:47 PM
OK, I suppose that could happen :mrgreen: ... :beer: