View Full Version : Spot Elevations on Ceiling Plans

2003-09-26, 04:42 PM
Does anyone know why the "Spot Elevation" button would be greyed out when I am working in the Ceiling Plans views?

Scott D Davis
2003-09-26, 04:48 PM
Spot elevations are typically used in views when seen from above. If you want to tag ceiling heights, there is a tag that will report the height of the ceiling, rather than using a spot elevation/

2003-09-26, 04:56 PM
So there is. Thank you.

Is it possible, or more accurately, is it reasonable to make a tag for ceiling elevations that looks like the spot elevation tag? I don't really need the data about the ceiling composition, just the elevation.

Scott D Davis
2003-09-26, 05:38 PM
Sure! Just open the Ceiling Tag with Height.rfa out of the default Annotations folder, modify it to suit your needs, saveas, and use in your project!

Here is an example of ours which only reports height, in a boxed-tag configuration.


2003-09-26, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the replies Scott.

I just realized what was happening on my ceiling plan - I created levels so that I could control the height of soffits, etc globally. The ceiling elevation tag though, uses the offset from it's associated level, so all of the tags I was placing read as zero. I guess I will have to figure out how to create a parameter that references project zero instead.