View Full Version : Image Size ?

Cathy Hadley
2003-09-26, 05:46 PM

I have the perfect camera view all set up... and then go to place it on the sheet and its way to small...

Can I enlarge the size of the view without having to set it all up again?

Just when you think you're getting it....

Thanks in advance...


Cathy Hadley
2003-09-26, 05:49 PM
The view is not going to be rendered, just a nice shaded view...

Thanks in advance...

Allen Lacy
2003-09-26, 06:14 PM
Sure, just click on the crop region of the 3d view and then click "modify" up on the toolbars. You then have the option of keeping the proportions or not.

Scott Hopkins
2003-09-26, 06:15 PM

1) Go to your 3D view and highlight the crop boundary.

2) Click "Modify" on the top right toolbar

3) Click "Scale locked proportions"

4) Then set the image size to anything you want

Cathy Hadley
2003-09-27, 03:18 AM
Thanks ... My new montra.... READ THE OPTIONS BAR... doh. Perhaps more sleep is in order.

Made the deadline and all is well.

Thanks again.