View Full Version : How do you stop the tags on elevations and views from being accidently deleted

2010-06-07, 12:43 AM
How do i stop the tags from accidently being changed, deleted, or moved? cant seem to pin them in place like you do an object

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-07, 05:02 AM
Yes, I wish the Pin tool was also a locking tool, that could prevent objects from being selected. But even if an object is pinned, it can be accidentally deleted. It just prevents the objects from being moved. One possible solution is to use Hide Category, and temporarily see the tags in the Reveal hide elements mode (light bulb), until you need them again.

2010-06-07, 04:32 PM
Another, more robust way perhaps, is to open a workshared file with a different user name and checkout the elements, views, etc. that you want to remain untouched. I think with object tags you'll need to grab the objects they're associated with as well. When you've got them all save the file without relinquishing and reopen with your normal credentials. You'll have to change back to the 2nd user name if/when you need to make changes but it will prevent anything from happening to them.

2010-06-07, 04:37 PM
Id be vary wary of using that technique for something as minutia and granular as specific views in a project. You wont be able to edit any view settings, or touch the view workset, if you do that. Same with walls.

We do that for things like Levels and Grids, so people dont monkey with them, but even that is far reaching when people are editing scope boxes and the like.

It could get very ugly doing that item by item.

Best answer to the question? Teach the team discipline.

2010-06-07, 04:38 PM
Those are potentially three different questions, with three different answers.

While pinning may prevent a tag from being nudged around, the other scenarios are more resultant of actions applied to the elements themselves, which the tags are only responding to. If a wall that is tagged in 8 views is deleted and replaced, rather than simply changing type, then every tag associated to that wall will be deleted along with it, and will need to be reapplied to the new wall. For this reason, we refrain from tagging until the design/assemblies have settled down through DD.

2010-06-07, 05:51 PM
The approach we take in my office is that if you're going to deletean elevation or section tag, check the view's name. If the view is on a sheet, the name will be in ALL CAPS and it should not be deleted. If the view is an important working view, it should be named such (and these views should be used very sparingly). Otherwise, it's fair game and not only can be deleted, but should be deleted as soon as possible. i.e. once you're done doing whatever work required the view generation.
As another poster said, teach your team discipline. Having to redraw a view or two that were inappropriately deleted will do it for most folks.

2010-06-08, 02:25 AM
Thanx very much for your input. I will ask at work to see wat they do. But my project has gone beyond wat revit architecture is usually used for in that the building has evolved into a 3d model of the building that has had all the artifacts placed within it. These have all needed labelling. Down to the hooks on the walls

2010-06-08, 03:58 AM
Thanx very much for your input. I will ask at work to see wat they do. But my project has gone beyond wat revit architecture is usually used for in that the building has evolved into a 3d model of the building that has had all the artifacts placed within it. These have all needed labelling. Down to the hooks on the walls

So do ours. So does just about everyones. Unfortunately, it doesnt change the answer. You need to discipline the team. When we model all of our accessories, we tag every single one of them in elevation. How do we stop them from moving? Simple: we tell the project team "thats where they go." If they dont know enough about revit to not move stuff accidentally, they have no business in there at project time. Its not that hard.

1. Be careful with window selection.
2. Turn off Press and Drag
3. Use the Filter religiously.