View Full Version : Panoramic files

Max Lloyd
2004-12-12, 10:45 PM
Hello again.

Is it just me, or are pan files the best. I use them extensively now as I have a laptop to show them off to clients, and their small file size makes them ideal for web or e-mail.

However, finding a viewer for these little critters took me a while. I eventually found 'smoothmove' (available at http://www.kaidan.com/smsviewer.html, download and instal iMPanViewer50r1.exe (1.2MB)).

Its very good, but having searched long and hard on the web, I have found more info, but also more frustration. It appears (and I've seen it on other peoples work) that you can add 'hotspots' into these files, which take you to another file (possibly technical data, or another pan file for example). The annoyance is I don't know how to do this, or with what software I should even be looking at.

I don't know if there is any benfit to using the ivr file format, or even what software will open those files.

Does anyone have any ideas or experience on this subject?

2004-12-13, 12:37 AM
I am not absolutely sure but most likely the syntax is the same as a hyperlink in jpg.

2004-12-13, 02:20 AM
HI Max(?),

I'm experimenting with them ATM, myself, ...and YES!, I'm VERY impressed, (and so damned easy to create!).

I can't comment on your query, but if you'd like, I'll send comments to you about anything that may be enlightening as I come across it.

I've d/loaded a couple of viewers from the 'net and impressed with one only. I'll try that link you've posted soon.

John Mc

2004-12-13, 03:03 AM
This site http://www.panoguide.com/publish/viewers.html gives a very good comparison of panoramic viewers and supplys links to various programs.

I personally use SmoothMove Pan Viewer (http://www.smoothmove.com)

2004-12-13, 02:35 PM
I find they're great for showing furniture layout options & interior fit-ups. A lot less work than a walkthrough.

I've always used the Imove viewer. I tried another that offered hotlinks, etc., & used ivr files, but could never get it to work.

Like yourself, I've spent some time searching, but havn't come up with any alternative viewer at a reasonable price.

However, finding a viewer for these little critters took me a while. I eventually found 'smoothmove' (available at http://www.kaidan.com/smsviewer.html, download and instal iMPanViewer50r1.exe (1.2MB)).
This appears to be the same viewer that Imove,com used to offer, and that Revit recommended for pan files when they first supported them. These guys must have bought the license.

If you go to the Imove site, they seem to have gotten into panoramic cameras for the security industry. They no longer offer the Imove viewer.

2004-12-13, 09:49 PM
Any recommendations on a good .pan view creator/viewer?

Can you email me at odomarchitects@sbcglobal.net ?

Thanks in advance.

2004-12-13, 10:29 PM
odomarchitects, ( wow that's a mouthful.. )

I've merged your thread with this one.

You will find viewers discussed here.

2004-12-13, 10:56 PM
Yes, I use the iMove viewer as well. I had also downloaded PTViewer but couldn't get it to work. But iMove was a free download! (quote of the week "cheap is good!...free is better!"......gawd!...how tight does that sound!?!?! ..lol!)

John Mc