View Full Version : Window Sill Placement in 2011

2010-06-07, 12:12 PM
Not sure if anyone else has noticed this but in 2011 now, if you place a window and place another type of window it takes the sill height of the last window and not it's own window sill height.

If your not sure what I mean, start a new project and draw a wall. Then select window and place the default window on the wall. Now select a different window in your list and place it on the wall and go look at it in 3D. Is this a new bug?

2010-06-07, 05:53 PM
I'm guessing that's new behavior and might be a related to the modeless properties pallet. It doesn't work like that in 2009. Don't have 2010 installed to try it. I never liked how sill heights were implemented anyway... and heard Autodesk was aware of a strong preference to have them act differently. We place our windows with same head heights and let sills fall where the may [by default]. I tried working around it by using parameters and monkeying with the sill reference plane, but it caused more problems than it was worth.

2010-06-08, 07:09 AM
Has anyone else gotten this issue? I am going to send a support request to Autodesk in the hope to highlight this.

2010-06-08, 01:48 PM
...I am going to send a support request to Autodesk ... I'll do it if you do it first. :p I triple dog dare you to.:p

2010-06-17, 01:54 AM
I to have this problem. It does seem to mater what window family i load they seem to snap to this sill hieght. Im pulling my hair out trying to find out how to fix this as its time conuming to fix this for each window. After its placed. Some answers would be nice.

Gadget Man
2010-08-24, 12:59 AM
This indeed is the new (and not improved) behaviour in 2011 and is even more frustrating than the whole mess with the windows' heads/sills in all the previous versions. Either it's yet another bug or ADESK is adopting the "make it worst and stop the users complaining about the previous version" policy...

Who, at their right mind, would insert the windows based on their (variable between different sizes) sill height to start with? Why has it been done like this in the first place and why hasn't it been fixed for SOOOOOO many years/releases?

2010-08-29, 05:04 AM
Who, at their right mind, would insert the windows based on their (variable between different sizes) sill height to start with? Why has it been done like this in the first place and why hasn't it been fixed for SOOOOOO many years/releases?

Couldn't agree more that this is an absolutely crazy system having windows inserted by sill height.
I have my default window tag when I insert windows with a head height parameter, so that as soon as I insert the window I can adjust the head height to its' required height.

Please Autodesk get this changed.