View Full Version : Null Value for IF/THEN Statement in length parameter

2010-06-07, 05:11 PM
I have an electrical fixture family with a tag for outlets and switches. I would like for the tag to show the mounting height if it is not the typical standard height. I have a length parameter with an if/then statement, but it will not allow me to make the result of the true condition be null. It wants a number because it is a length parameter. If I make it a text parameter, it then tells me I am have inconsistent units. I also tried to create a yes/no parameter that I could use to turn visibility on or off, but that would only apply to what is within the family and not the annotation tag. Please see attached file. Thanks.

2010-06-07, 05:57 PM
Hi Thomas,

Perhaps make the Special Mounting Height it's own label (rather than stacked with the other labels) and give it a Visibility Yes/No. In the project, create a If with logic statement for IF((Special Mounting Height = Default Mounting Height), No, Yes)

Ning Zhou
2010-06-07, 06:11 PM
Hi Thomas,

Perhaps make the Special Mounting Height it's own label (rather than stacked with the other labels) and give it a Visibility Yes/No. In the project, create a If with logic statement for IF((Special Mounting Height = Default Mounting Height), No, Yes)

that's the solution i'm approaching too, but for some reason, that sp of Special Mounting Height cannot be used in formula for that tag family, did i miss something?

if above method is not working, then maybe you can try view filter using that sp of Special Mounting Height.

2010-06-07, 06:30 PM
Ah yes... there's the conditional value limitation. I think in this case, the only workaround I can see is two tag types, one with Special Mounting Height Visibility = YES, one with Visibility =NO. Apply a filter to the view to hide all outlets where there isn't a Special height, and change all others to the SMH Yes tag.

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-07, 08:00 PM
1. In the annotation family (the label with multiple parameters) remove the one that is showing the mounting height. Load into project.

2. Go to New > generic annotation family > create only one label, with an instance Length parameter. Such as "MH" (for Mounting Height). Set the sample value to 0.0 . Save and load into the Outlet Family.

3. In the Outlet family, locate the generic annotation family next to the outlet. It should read "0.0" . Now, select this label, and tie its "MH" parameter to the outlets' "Mounting Height" parameter.

4. In the Oulet family, create a Yes/No parameter, such as "ShowMountingHeight", under "Graphics". Set it to this formula = not(Mounting Height = 1' 6")

5. Select the generic annotation label again, and tie its visibility parameter to your outlets' yes/no "ShowMountingHeight" parameter.

6. Load the Outlet family, with the nested annotation label, into the project.

Ning Zhou
2010-06-07, 08:36 PM
right Alfredo, nesting annotation family is the way out, even for other similar cases.

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-07, 11:13 PM
Yes, and since now the mounting height is part of the outlet family, we need just another yes/no parameter, such as "ShowMountingLabel" that controls the other "ShowMountingHeight" parameter. This is to turn on and off the label, but keeping the condition that the label should be shown only if the mounting height is not standard. Therefore the first parameter we did (as per my previous message) would have to be modified like this:

= ( AND ( ShowMountingLabel , not ( Mounting Height = 1' 6" ) ) )

as shown in this illustration: