View Full Version : Orient to View not working like in the past

2010-06-07, 06:47 PM
I was trying to show someone that you can rotate the section box to odd angles, seeing as I remember doing it in older version. Thankfully I still have 2009 installed, so here's some pics to explain what I mean.

Is this working for anyone in 2011? I know it's not for me.. Did Autodesk remove this feature?

Here's how I get to it..
Go to Elevation - Place a Section - Select Section and rotate it (in this case 45 deg.)
Go to 3D - Orient to View - Select the section i just created
it's SUPPOSED to rotate the section box into that same angle as the section, and it worked up till 2010.. Anyone know if this is a bug or a removed feature?

Hope this made sense...


Dimitri Harvalias
2010-06-07, 09:56 PM
The feature was 'relocated' and is no longer available on the menus. You can only access it through the view cube in the 3D view. Right click on the view cube and it will be in the context menu.

2010-06-07, 10:29 PM
my bad, i knew they'd tucked it away there.. it just doesn't allow for an odd rotation of the section box like it used to.

Don't know if it's just us or everyone is having this issue. works in 2010 and previous, doesn't work in 2011..

2010-06-07, 11:49 PM
these two pics might work better for explaining it.. a little more content to it.
this is taken from 2010..

2010-06-08, 04:03 PM
I see what you mean. The section box remains always vertical.

Ning Zhou
2010-06-08, 04:18 PM
should definitely add to Revit 2011 - Bug Reports
or report to Autodesk directly

2010-06-08, 04:26 PM
thanks Joe for the suggestion, just added it..

btw, how's Calgary doing work-wize?

I always contemplate moving back north of 49. Things here aren't what they used to be that's for sure...

Ning Zhou
2010-06-08, 05:08 PM
hi Rob, not bad here in Calgary, well, seems overall north is a little better than south, at least for now, i was thinking moving south before but ..., especially after saw Dave's recent ...
man, don't know what happens to south? and i'm also confused, getting better or else?

2010-06-08, 05:40 PM
Vegas isn't called Foreclosure capital of the US for no reason! we're keeping busy with work overseas, but not much is going on locally. Now's definitely not the time to be looking for work South of the border. I only have work cause I have residency here. Everyone I know that was here on a work visa has been laid off and has gone back to Canada to look for work again.