View Full Version : grading problem with a retaining wall

2010-06-07, 10:30 PM
ok hopefully the two images attached are gonna be readable. but a little background for the problem. I am trying to add a retaining wall to a slope. the slope falls from elevation 137 to elevation 125 on a 3:1 slope (grade problem #1). i need to add a retaining wall to the grading to keep the slope from getting into the right of way. the top of wall at the high point will be elev. 135.5 and on the back side of the slope an elevation of 126. the second image is the desired effect i am looking for. i can't seem to get the breaklines to "act" right and would appreciate any help with the problem as it is driving me kind of crazy right now.....

2010-06-09, 01:32 AM
any takers....???

Glenn Pope
2010-06-09, 03:01 PM
When I do surface work I make little surfaces then make a composite surface out of them. So for this I would have one surface with the grading from the street. Then create another surface using feature lines for the retaining wall. Then in the composite surface, paste the retaining wall surface over the street grading.

2010-06-09, 03:43 PM
i would project the bottom of the wall to the existing surface and the top of wall to the proposed surface... then use these two 3d polylines as breaklines/featurelines