View Full Version : R7.0 3D View lineweights

Martin P
2004-12-13, 10:27 AM
In release 7.0 my hidden line 3D views (hidden line) look very bad when printed as the the lineweights are all coming out very thick. It is nothing to do with the advanced model grpahics setting, this is off. Can I make the lineweights in a 3D view thinner without resorting to a dwg export?

Nic M.
2004-12-13, 12:22 PM
Isn't this dependent on the scale you set for the 3D view?
Or are you talking about a perspective view? In this case its the you can set the default perspective line weights in: settings - Line Weights - perspective tab.

Martin P
2004-12-13, 01:01 PM
In this case its the you can set the default perspective line weights in: settings - Line Weights - perspective tab.

That is the one, cheers Nic M :)

2004-12-13, 09:41 PM
In R7.0, click on the Shadows icon, then "Advanced Model Graphics", the select Over-ride Silhouette Edges and choose a pen weight from the drop down.

2004-12-13, 11:03 PM
What is the idea view the new feature override silhouette anyway?
at the beginning I was so excited about this new feature. I though that I could get lightweights on my elevations (heavier on the front, thinner on the back planes) but I guess I was wrong, I do not see the use for this feature. Am I wrong or missing something?

2004-12-14, 12:14 AM
The feature's main use is for Elevations and Sections so you can give them a stronger outline quickly and easily. Experiment with this a bit and you will see what I mean.

It can also be handy at times for 3D views, particularly component views.

2004-12-14, 12:41 AM
Perspective line weights are indeed new to 7. They were introduced to support perspective sections and silhouettes, and they can make a view bolder than you might prefer.

Martin P
2004-12-14, 09:42 AM
In R7.0, click on the Shadows icon, then "Advanced Model Graphics", .

In release 7.0 ..... It is nothing to do with the advanced model grpahics setting, this is off. ......?

Are you skim reading my posts Beegee? :) LOL Thanks for helping though

2004-12-14, 09:23 PM
Are you skim reading my posts Beegee? :) LOL Thanks for helping though
Can I make the lineweights in a 3D view thinner without resorting to a dwg export?
No, - that was my point. You could turn the AMG silhouette on and achieve a thinnner line easily and quickly by selecting an appropriate pen weight from the menu there.

2004-12-14, 11:03 PM
Silhouettes thin and everything else thick... weird.

2004-12-15, 12:02 AM
Sure, if all the linework is equally thick, you'll need to use the linework tool as well. The silhouette tool is just a quick way to get a good portion of that done for you with a single click.

2004-12-15, 06:46 PM
Adjusting perspective line weights is even quicker.