View Full Version : R2010 Win-7 Lag Selection - Detail Components

2010-06-08, 09:44 PM
Has anyone had any problems selecting detail components in a workshared file (local file) were there is a signicant lag in selecting elements? 5 second delay whenever you select a detail component.

Project is workshared (central-local files). Three computers are Win XP Pro 32 bit while one is Win 7 64-bit. The problem with the selection lag is on the Win 7 64-bit machine.
All have Revit 2010 Architecture SRP release. No problems with lag in the Win XP machines.

Any suggestions?

cliff collins
2010-06-09, 02:10 PM
We have the same problem only on certain machines.

see this thread:


we still have not been able to solve it. very frustrating. hoping it goes away in 2011,
have not upgraded our project ( yet ).


2010-06-09, 02:22 PM
Great timing! I just filed a Support Request on this yesterday.

We're seeing exactly the same thing as you, Leo.
Several people who we've recently given new Win7-64 machines have been complaining about 5-second pauses. Same person, same project, same location. The only thing different is Win7-64 & Revit 2010-64 vs XP-32 & Revit-32.

I'll post any updates in Cliff's thread.

2010-06-09, 06:31 PM
Here is another thing that happens. Under my user profile on the same exact machine that has problems with lag in R2010, I do not get the element selection lag when working on the same project using the same exact machine. Under my user profile, R2010 runs fine without any lag.

I think it might be related to the user profile. The only difference between my profile and the other persons profile is Google Search toolbar. I do not have that add on installed.

cliff collins
2010-06-09, 08:13 PM

Thanks for that tip--we had the exact same issue--users could log-in with my profile
and the slow-down went away.

But when they used their profile it came back.

And yes--the Google Toolbar was installed on their machine.

We have removed it and will test with the user's profile and see if the
slow down persists...........


2010-06-11, 03:01 PM
We are having an even stranger problem with Detail Components. After working in a file for a period of time, it completely stops working. You have to close out of all the files, shut down autocad and relaunch it. You can open the same exact files and now Detail Components will now work again, after no repairs or anything to the original file. This is happening on multiple machines, multiple profiles, and multiple projects, but usually XP(32 and 64 bit)....any thoughts?

cliff collins
2010-06-11, 03:06 PM
We are having an even stranger problem with Detail Components. After working in a file for a period of time, it completely stops working. You have to close out of all the files, shut down autocad and relaunch it. You can open the same exact files and now Detail Components will now work again, after no repairs or anything to the original file. This is happening on multiple machines, multiple profiles, and multiple projects, but usually XP(32 and 64 bit)....any thoughts?

"shut down autocad"--did you mean Revit?

just clarifying........


2010-06-11, 03:52 PM
this is the detail components within Autocad Architecture 2011 - I was redirected to this thread from another, which I did suspect was related to Revit, not AutoCAD Arch.

cliff collins
2010-06-11, 03:58 PM

I think the issues in AcadArch and Revit are completely different from a programming standpoint, so the answers may be different for each software.

Interesting that the slowdown happens in both, though.

Update: we uninstalled the Google Toolbar per Leo's post and so far so good--
no more slowdown. will keep our fingers crossed.


2010-06-11, 07:04 PM

Thanks for that tip--we had the exact same issue--users could log-in with my profile
and the slow-down went away.

But when they used their profile it came back.

And yes--the Google Toolbar was installed on their machine.

We have removed it and will test with the user's profile and see if the
slow down persists...........



I removed the Google Search add-on for Internet Explorer under Manage Add-Ons under Search Providers on the person in question having lags problems. I think that solved the problem. My IT manager is saying that Google Search add-on is a network hog.
Hope it helps other people.