View Full Version : CAD not importing correctly

cesar 05
2010-06-10, 09:23 PM
I have an autocad file 2D, when I import it in Revit (as link or import) something happens, lines are not where they should be or the length or some of the lines change from the cad file to when I import/ link it in revit (a line in CAD 820ft is 1'-6" shorter in Revit). In CAD: two lines on top of each other (edge of walk and property line) in Revit they are almost 11" apart when I import / link the file.

I already tried several things, like center to center, origin to origin, moving the cad to 0,0 point, purging the files, removing extra layer in CAD, etc. also tried import/linking in revit 2009 2010 and 2011, none of those worked.

any ideas,

2010-06-11, 08:27 PM
i had some similar problems a couple of years ago. the problem ended up being that the origin in the cad file was too far away from the actual drawing. if you can modify the origin in the cad file, that could potentially correct the issue, if it's the same one i had anyway.

cesar 05
2010-06-15, 11:18 PM
By modifying the origin, you mean to move the CAD file to or closer to the 0,0 point?

If so, I already tried that and did not work, thanks anyways.

2010-06-16, 12:45 PM
I have never heard of a problem with in-correct CAD imports but anything may be possible.

You say you have a line in CAD that is 820' yet is 1'-6" shorter in Revit. How did you determine this? So many times dimensions in CAD are fudged. One of the greatest benefits of Revit is that this is less likely to happen.

If you looked at the line properties in CAD and got the length from that, did you also look at the x/y coordinates for both ends of the line? Again, many lines in CAD are not flat but may also have a z component. That could account for this discrepancy.

cesar 05
2010-06-17, 10:49 PM
I totally agree wmullet, but, I aleady checked every posible situation (that i can think of). the CAD file is correct, regardless of the dimension being different, why am I getting two separate lines if Revit when the lines are aligned to each other in CAD? that doesn't have to do anything with the length of the line, thanks anyways---