View Full Version : Error message "Element's internal join data is corrupt"

2010-06-10, 09:27 PM
We converted a Revit project from 2010 to 2011 and have begun getting an error message we have never seen before when trying to move components on walls. "Element's internal join data is corrupt"
As an example, I have a window placed in a wall and try to move it in any direction...result, error message with the only option to Cancel. I can delete the window and place a new instance in the correct location, but if I try to move it from there...you guessed it, error message.
Nobody here in the office has run into this before, and I can't find any threads discussing it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Work on the project has ground to a very slow crawl.

2010-07-16, 02:30 PM
I am getting the same message and I can't delete the walls.

2010-07-16, 02:36 PM
We audited the file and that seemed to work.

2010-07-19, 05:12 PM
I got the same error in a native 2011 file. The template was an upgraded 2009 - 2010 - 2011 file.

I ended up having to delete the wall, fix the join and then redraw the offending wall. However, the new wall of the same type in the same location now has the error. I tried auditing the file with no luck.

In the end I had to split the walls up around the problem wall, modify the embedded walls, wall opening, etc to make it work.

Not really a fix though...

Has anyone figured this out or gotten a response to a support request?

2010-07-19, 08:16 PM
This may be one of those instances where you have to send the file to Support, and only they can fix it with some voodoo magic top secret process.

To help curb potential problems like this, I try to re-create our template from scratch on every release.

Wes Macaulay
2010-07-27, 04:08 PM
I think the problem comes from a project that's been upgraded from a previous release. What we've had to do is pull these walls out of any joins they're in, and audit the file. That usually works. When it hasn't worked, we've had to delete the wall causing the error and redraw it.

2010-08-23, 08:55 PM
I am somewhat relieved that we are not the only users having this trouble...as an update, we contacted support and sent them the file for review. To date, no solution or response. I appreciate the tips, although none of them seemed to really solve the problem for us.

Our only sure solution was to abandon the work we completed following the conversion of the project and work on the old file in Revit 2010, fortunately we saved it, to finish the project.

As a side note, we have several projects in 2011 that are error free; however, none of these were converted from Revit 2010.

2010-10-15, 07:56 PM
We made a new central file and audited and it still did not work. I am not sure if it's an issue with an upgraded file, but it seems to me to be walls in which we have edited the profile and embedded another wall in it (i.e. curtainwall). It seems to be a 2011 bug...hope they figure it out soon....very annoying. For those who cannot delete the wall, try to disallow join at the grabs at either end then stretch away from any other element and then try to delete. Good luck!

2011-03-25, 03:14 PM
I have found coping out the the walls to a blank drawing, cleaning them up, and coping them back has worked.

2012-03-23, 01:45 PM
This is a rather old post but it's the only one on the forum according to my search.

A user just got this message yesterday when she tried to SWC. This is in a 2012 project, created in 2012, and the error came up with a wall that was just created last week.

What's odd is that the user was just working on a floor finish element on the opposite side of the building. When trying to sync, this error came up and prevented the save process. The only option was to cancel, or delete the wall. I chose to close her local file without saving since she had only done a couple of things since opening.

This particular wall is rather complicated, in that it has an edited profile with several steps along the top edge, and then another wall type above it with matching steps long its bottom edge, which also extends out past and down on either end of the lower wall. Then there are a couple of different wall furring types at different locations high and low on both sides of this wall. To say it's complicated is an understatement, which is why I didn't want to delete it and start over.

This morning I opened the Central file with Audit checked, and so hopefully this won't be a problem again.

cliff collins
2012-03-23, 02:03 PM
Try detaching the wall from the floor, and any other elements such as ceilings, roofs, etc.

Just a thought--as I have seen this weird behaviour occasionally, and detaching seemed to fix it.

2012-11-21, 05:52 PM
Ctrl+C then paste aligned to same place. OR if you are lucky like me and the data corruption is just a room separation line, you can delete it!

Tried renaming a level, got the "element's internal join data corrupt..etc." warning
Clicked on the warning to open it.
Saw the Element ID#4458113
Did a search for that element
Fixed it by deleting it and make a new one.
Audit file

2017-02-27, 11:05 AM
We converted a Revit project from 2010 to 2011 and have begun getting an error message we have never seen before when trying to move components on walls. "Element's internal join data is corrupt"
As an example, I have a window placed in a wall and try to move it in any direction...result, error message with the only option to Cancel. I can delete the window and place a new instance in the correct location, but if I try to move it from there...you guessed it, error message.
Nobody here in the office has run into this before, and I can't find any threads discussing it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Work on the project has ground to a very slow crawl.

When changing phased walls from Existing to New I got "Element's internal join data is corrupt" message.
For me I found this solution helped:
Select wall. Each end of wall shows a grip. Right-click over wall end you activate the Disallow Join option. This will prevent the wall end from joining with other walls.

I rejoined the walls after I changed the phase.