View Full Version : Big Trouble - How do I relinquish 2 users?

2010-06-11, 04:09 PM
How do I relinquish 2 users that have something locked?

When we try to open a certain Revit model we get the attached waring.

If I change my 'user 1' it tells me I Can't edit the element until 'user 2' resaves the element to central and relinquishes it and you Reload Latest. If I change my 'user 2' it tells me I Can't edit the element until 'user 1' resaves the element to central and relinquishes it and you Reload Latest.

Again, This is preventing us from opening a Revit model.

How do I clear both users without deleting elements?
How does this happen?

2010-06-11, 04:39 PM
Never mind, just detach for central... duhh

2010-06-15, 12:51 PM
One can also impersonate another user name in Revit's options. But you already found the correct answer,

2010-08-11, 02:46 PM
One can also impersonate another user name in Revit's options. But you already found the correct answer,

Well yes, but each person was blocking the other person, so no matter who you were impersonating, it would say the other had to relinquish it first.

2010-08-11, 06:38 PM
yup, we had this happen a few weeks ago. one of the two people has to lose work...
only option: close the designated person down without saving, relinquishing anything. then make a new local, relinquish and the other person saves.

nasty little loop.

edit - oh yea, and impersonating one of the users invalidates their local file, so that wouldn't really change the outcome.