View Full Version : On 2nd floor stairs still show below, even with "Stairs beyond cut line" unchecked

2010-06-14, 05:36 PM
I'm having a problem where my entire stair shows up on my 2nd floor plan; even the portion that should be hidden by the floor once the stair ducks under.

In Visibility/Graphics I have "Stairs Beyond Cut Line" unchecked, but it's still showing up.

It's almost like my floor isn't turned on to clip the stair. But in VG it's shown as on.

Thanks for any suggestions.

2010-06-14, 05:50 PM
Nevermind. I got it figured out. I was viewing my 2nd floor plan in wireframe.

Sometimes you just have to type out your problem to get your thought processes in order. :)

2010-06-14, 07:10 PM
Nevermind. I got it figured out. I was viewing my 2nd floor plan in wireframe.

That was exactly what I was going to suggest, I've seen that get overlooked several time. Glad you got it figured out.:beer:

2010-07-28, 05:03 PM

I'm having this same problem but I have my view in hidden line and the stair still isn't cropping. Any ideas? I've checked the view range and also the visibility and it's all set to what it should be.


Alfredo Medina
2010-07-28, 06:04 PM
Is there an opening in the slab for the stairs to pass through?

2010-07-28, 06:53 PM

I'm having this same problem but I have my view in hidden line and the stair still isn't cropping. Any ideas? I've checked the view range and also the visibility and it's all set to what it should be.


Is the first floor set as an underlay in your second floor view?