View Full Version : 2011 - Interface Issue - Extra Bars

2010-06-16, 03:05 PM
Hi all,

One user in our office continues to get extra bars in her interface. The attached JPG shows what I mean.

This bug used to happen in 2010. I thought it was resolved for 2011. No one else in the office seems to have this issue.

But it's not just a graphical nuisance. It's a total deal breaker. If she selects an object, 2 to 4 extra bars will pop up, then go away. The next thing you know, the object she selected has a moved in relationship to the other objects.

If anyone has any knowledge on how to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated.

System Stats:
Revit 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
Core 2 Quad 2.66ghz
6 gigs of RAM
Nvidia Quatro FX 1200 (Drivers updated)

Thank you.


cliff collins
2010-06-16, 03:10 PM
Try Direct 3D enable/unable. Does this make any difference?

Sounds like a graphics display issue.

Also try shutting down the computer and restarting, see if it happens again,
and if so, how long it takes?


2010-06-16, 03:32 PM
Thanks for the response, Cliff.

The issue persists through reboot. In fact, it persists through a reboot with a Windows Update.

Direct 3D was disabled, so we tried Enabling it. The problem still persists.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.



cliff collins
2010-06-16, 03:34 PM
Sounds like either:

1. Reinstall Revit

2. Wipe the machine clean, reinstall Win 7 and all software.


Scott Womack
2010-06-16, 04:00 PM

Try turning off the Press and Drag in the lower right corner. Is this a two monitor set up?
What graphics card/driver?

2010-06-16, 04:03 PM
Try docking the options bar at the bottom of the screen and see if that resolves the issue.

2010-06-16, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the additional replies.

Try docking the options bar at the bottom of the screen and see if that resolves the issue.

Docking the options bar at the bottom seems to fix the issue. But it's problematic from a UI stand point, because all of the option buttons are not where we would expect to see them. The problem comes back, when I revert the docking options.

Try turning off the Press and Drag in the lower right corner. Is this a two monitor set up?
What graphics card/driver?

Yes, this is a two monitor set up. The driver version is I toggled the "Press and Drag" button. Disabling it helps, but only to a degree. The extra bars still appear, but now the objects don't move.


Interestingly, if I log in as a different user on the machine, the problem goes away.

2010-06-16, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the additional replies.

Docking the options bar at the bottom seems to fix the issue. But it's problematic from a UI stand point, because all of the option buttons are not where we would expect to see them. The problem comes back, when I revert the docking options.

I just wanted to know if the problem went away or not. I realize it is a UI problem with the options bar at the bottom.

You also mentioned this is a dual monitor setup, I suspected as much.

This problem has been identified and logged with development. They are working on a resolution to the problem.

This is the first time I have heard the problem being tied to a specific user ID???

2010-06-16, 06:49 PM

When the options bar is docked at the bottom of the screen, we do not see the extra bars pop up. So yes, it works in that regard. I may have to tell her to work like that for the time being.

I did notice something something different about the bad machine, and my machine. We both have dual monitor set ups. The bad one is using a Quadro FX 1700, while mine is a Quadro FX 1800.

The difference is apparent, when we both launch revit. I expect to see this error message (see the attachment, "error bryan.jpg." Sure, the driver is newer than the test version. I get that.

On the other machine, I see "error bad.jpg." "Problem: Unknown video card"

Now, this would not explain why it behaves differently based on different users. But maybe there is something there? Any thoughts?

2010-06-16, 07:08 PM
Luke Johnson's What Revit Wants blog at
has a potential fix. Little bit of a meat-ax approach, but if you delete the Autodesk\Revit tree from the user's Registry, it may fix it this problem.
As Luke says: "Please use this fix at your own risk. "

2010-06-16, 07:54 PM

When the options bar is docked at the bottom of the screen, we do not see the extra bars pop up. So yes, it works in that regard. I may have to tell her to work like that for the time being.

I did notice something something different about the bad machine, and my machine. We both have dual monitor set ups. The bad one is using a Quadro FX 1700, while mine is a Quadro FX 1800.

The difference is apparent, when we both launch revit. I expect to see this error message (see the attachment, "error bryan.jpg." Sure, the driver is newer than the test version. I get that.

On the other machine, I see "error bad.jpg." "Problem: Unknown video card"

Now, this would not explain why it behaves differently based on different users. But maybe there is something there? Any thoughts?

I don't have any further insight. I can confirm it has been logged by QA and is being investigated by development. I don't know when any fix might come.

2010-06-17, 04:33 AM
I get this every once i a while
Solution that works for me:
Turn the Project Browser on & Off, likewise the Properties

2010-06-17, 01:38 PM
In 2010 someone mentioned that there found an issue with the primary/secondary monitor assignment and which screen Revit was on. You may want to try switching the monitor assignments or moving Revit from one screen to the other and see what happens.