View Full Version : Data Link - Two Ways

2004-12-14, 12:18 AM
I am aware that you can export building information data from Revit to various application formats such as xls and mdb.

Is it possible though for the connection to be dynamic, change the database and the change is reflected in revit???

The ODBC connectivity in Acad allowed this but cant seem to get anything working in Revit.

2004-12-14, 12:22 AM
In a word - No.

Not at the moment, but with an API in the future - who knows.

2004-12-14, 12:34 AM
Please, tell me your kidding!!
How the #&%$ could they miss that one ? Autocad has had it for about 10 years. Why?????:banghead:

Surley if a system is to claim its a BIM you need the ability to have dynamic connectivity with external data sources. Revit is great as a building modeller but it's not the tool for data entry and management.

Does anyone know whether this item would be included in upcoming releases?

2004-12-14, 12:51 AM
Please, tell me your kidding!!
How the #&%$ could they miss that one ? Autocad has had it for about 10 years. Why?????:banghead:

Surley if a system is to claim its a BIM you need the ability to have dynamic connectivity with external data sources. Revit is great as a building modeller but it's not the tool for data entry and management.

Does anyone know whether this item would be included in upcoming releases?

just out of curiosity, what are you trying to do? is it something a lot of architects do?

the API will probably have two way connectivity with external sources, but I have know idea which ones.

2004-12-14, 01:18 AM
Architects??? Not sure.

Virtual Building Modelers -

* Extending the building information to become available to other users. By 'letting' the data out to others they can provide their required input into the building and have it automatically incorporate into the model.

* Enhanced data management and analysis by specific applications. Allowing specific applications to deal with large quantities of data and feedback critical results to the modeling package.

* Portability of data. The ability to 'let' the data to a mobile device in the field which then reports back to the modeler.

* Flexibility of use. You don't need to learn or own Revit to input simple data.

The benefits in having the ability to modify the data externally and make the data portable are huge.

Surely, I'm not the only one who would want something like that. AutoCAD ODBC Connectivity has long been used for these requirements.

I really thought that Revit would be suitable as a building life cycle tool as much as it is a design / documentation tool. If it doesn't adress BIM completly it won't be long until it's like Autocad is now...dumb.

I'm forced to ask, are there any add ons apps that can be used with Reviot for 2 way connectivity?

2004-12-14, 01:36 AM
You answered your own question, twice. First, when you noticed that AutoCAD has had the feature for 10 years - which means it didn't for 10 more before that. Revit is only 6. Second, when you noticed that AutoCAD is "dumb" - it's harder to control intelligent objects. But don't worry, we know what BIM is and we are working on an API. Further details are under an NDA. ;-)

(My oh my... so many acronyms I fear my hair is turning pointy...)

2004-12-14, 02:28 AM
(My oh my... so many acronyms I fear my hair is turning pointy...)


anyway Vince, i wasn't asking why 2 way connectivity is important to the BIM process, it obviously is. I was asking exactly what you were trying to do, to see if we can help you do what you want in native Revit or finding a suitable work around.

2004-12-14, 02:35 AM
I'm constantly amazed by these questions and comments for APIs and programming languages for Revit. The whole idea behind it was to make a powerful BIM system that a simple lowly architect could use.

Revit was made by architects for architects. (Yes, I know Revit Structural & MEP are coming...) That is what I have always loved about it. It's simple, yet powerful. Leave the programming and coding to the ADT guys.

(Note: I'm not busting on your request or need, It's just one I've never thought was necessary for my work, and don't want to see Revit get all technical like AutoCAD did. That's all.)

Anyway, if you really DID want to work on a Revit file without Revit you could play with the journal file.

2004-12-14, 02:45 AM
AutoCAD has had the feature for 10 years - which means it didn't for 10 more before that. Revit is only 6.[/font]
Firstly when I note Autocad as 'dumb' I am echoing sentiment from posts read in this forum. I have the privilege of being a Revit user but I don't want the arrogance.

I am trying to convey that while Autocad does not have the modeling platform that revit has, which makes it 'dumb' by todays standard, it is a comparable product by era. When AutoCAD dawned in its era it was shift in fundamental thinking for the industry. It was an original building modeler with its virtual world model space and co-ordinate system. Revit in its era surpasses the previous by embracing the real meaning of virtual building modeling and making it very user friendly. It's for this reason I don't understand why this technology which allows the connectivity was omitted when it is more akin to the new era than the old.

I appreciate that Revit beats many hands down at its primary objective. No one doubts that. I can also appreciate that there is increased complexity in dealing with Revit in regards to programming this functionality. I simply assumed that Revit would have had it since 'dumb' old AutoCAD adopted it when most wouldn't have known what a database even was. An omission of any kind of connectivity made from six years ago till today, in this era, is not a reasonable defense in my thinking but I will easily accept that it just hasn't been a commercial priority and eagerly look forward to a future release that includes the feature as it does become a commercial priority.

Back to the point at hand....forgive my ignorance, what does NDA mean, is it something I can refer to, will it give me solid info in relation to functionality/dates?

I am testing Revit for a myriad of issues and need to know that it is going to provide a complete solution to replacement of other CAD software. So far Revit meets many expectations, however I feel it does require refinement such as the above mentioned.

Chris, there is nothing specific at this point but for example;

If i were to include a family item with multiple instances in a building which could then be scheduled I can then create new fields within the schedule to accept specific data.
Let say I want the airflow through an outlet to be recorded on a drawing. The schedule or related data for the item could be exported to another application, say excel, have the relative figures entered in the field by a technician, calculated by another consultant and then import the resulting data into Revit that the client wants reported on the drawing.

Most is able, but stuck on the connection of externally modified data to Revit instances.

Any ideas?

Scott D Davis
2004-12-14, 02:55 AM
NDA = Non-disclosure agreement. Once you sign one, it allows you access to insider information, but you are swon to secrecy!

Here's an example of 2-way ODBC: Specs. E-specs has a product that reads the Revit ODBC to help facilitate writing specifications. If it's in the model, E-specs will specify it. What if it was NOT in the model? How would it be to change a roofing system from built-up to single ply in the specs, and the model woould update??? Very cool...i think! But what kind of implications does this impose?

2004-12-14, 03:00 AM
NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement.

Just to look at your example ( Which BTW I appreciate is just that.. )

You could create a field in your Revit schedule to accept this information as a manual entry, which isn't far away from the workflow you are describing. I do appreciate that this is not a 2 way connection, such that if the airflow figure was to change, it would need to updated in Revit and in the external database. Alternatively you could import an Excel schedule ( in text ) into Revit and use that. You would update that schedule again as it changed.

Just kicking around ideas here.

2004-12-14, 03:08 AM
Chris, there is nothing specific at this point but for example;

If i were to include a family item with multiple instances in a building which could then be scheduled I can then create new fields within the schedule to accept specific data.
Let say I want the airflow through an outlet to be recorded on a drawing. The schedule or related data for the item could be exported to another application, say excel, have the relative figures entered in the field by a technician, calculated by another consultant and then import the resulting data into Revit that the client wants reported on the drawing.

Most is able, but stuck on the connection of externally modified data to Revit instances.

Any ideas?


NDA, stands for Non Disclosure Agreement, basically the people that have info about the direction of future Revit development, are not allowed to discuss it with anyone not under the same NDA.

As for your example, currently it can't be done exactly as you want, because as you've noticed you can't push data to instances.

However, you should look at the
Excel 2 Revit Type Catalog Processor (http://www.r-e-d.co.nz/revit/Excel2TC.html) written by GuyR here on the augi forums. It's a clever python script that creates a Revit type catalog file based on an excel spread sheet, you can use the type catalog to drive type parameters in the families. Not perfect, but it will work.

I think its entirely possible, as the API is exposed, we'll see bi-directional links from excel, word, access, etc sooner rather than later. (based on a gut feeling, i have no inside information about this)

2004-12-14, 04:07 AM

NDA, stands for Non Disclosure Agreement, basically the people that have info about the direction of future Revit development, are not allowed to discuss it with anyone not under the same NDA.

As for your example, currently it can't be done exactly as you want, because as you've noticed you can't push data to instances.

However, you should look at the
Excel 2 Revit Type Catalog Processor (http://www.r-e-d.co.nz/revit/Excel2TC.html) written by GuyR here on the augi forums. It's a clever python script that creates a Revit type catalog file based on an excel spread sheet, you can use the type catalog to drive type parameters in the families. Not perfect, but it will work.

I think its entirely possible, as the API is exposed, we'll see bi-directional links from excel, word, access, etc sooner rather than later. (based on a gut feeling, i have no inside information about this)
Thanks for that.

I've had a look at your reference, basically i could acheive what i need with some outside data formatting and the like. However, as I understand, it would require that I nominate each individual instance within Revit as a seperate type......kills the efficiency intially and would be better as a manual entry. It may have advantage in the long run as the inevitable changes occur.

What is the 'Journal File' ?

2004-12-14, 05:00 AM
What is the 'Journal File' ?
I strongly doubt you will get what you need with Journals.

Journals record user actions in each session.
They are essentially an internal testing and debugging tool in Revit.
They look like VB script, but I don't think they actually are although they can batch some dialogs.
The developers have said that journals are not intended to be an end user tool, or for serious development, although some have attempted advanced operations using them.

There are no published commands or syntax to run them properly, AFAIK.

2004-12-14, 06:55 AM
This general subject was discussed here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11429&page=2&pp=10) very recently, not that it shouldn't be discussed again, but it does give a fuller discussion of the issues you raise, Vince.

There are limits on the value of an API. You don't want someone externally able to change a floor structure from say 400 mm to 650 mm and hence be lower than the ceilings you have placed below it, but you may very well wish to add cost information to that floor or have a means of stripping out data and adding extra fields to certain records - like air flow rates. Aside from manipulating the data set you may also wish to add custom functionality to the program in the form of Mike Jarosz eloquent example regarding printing sheet sets.

I refer in the other thread to a way that structural information might be controlled through an API but I am uncertain as to whether UI functionality, scripting or other batching processing tools are being considered and I don't think that I am alone in being in the dark on that matter.