View Full Version : Room Areas

Chad Smith
2003-09-29, 12:06 AM
Is it possible to change the area for a 'Room Tag' so it calculates the gross building area? At the moment it calculates the areas based on the centerline of the wall, which is pretty much useless.

I would like to have a floor plan that has room tags that show a colour underlay (this is for presentation purposes), have a gross area displayed, and have the wall, floor and ceiling finishes.
I'm thinking the only way around this is to set up a floor plan that has the room name and finishes, and a seperate area plan that has just areas. I don't really want to set up area plans because it is another plan that I have to keep up to date.

Wes Macaulay
2003-09-29, 12:22 AM
The area plans pretty much keep themselves up to date, though - unless you draw the areas manually, and then you can use dimensions to lock the area lines to the walls.

The city of Vancouver has some strange ways of calculating areas - you can exclude any part of an exterior wall if it's more than 6" thick - so you place the area bdy 6" from the inside face of the wall with a locked dimension. As the design updates, so do the areas.

I DO wish we could tell Revit where to calculate the areas from for the standard-issue room schedule system, however.

2003-09-29, 12:44 AM
Room tags are very specific and calculate room areas based on the face bounding walls.
For your purposes, you are better off using an area plan for GBA. You can lock the area bounding lines to the walls where you want them, so that the area updates when the plan alters. You can schedule the areas and just drop the schedule onto your floor plan sheet ( so you dont need a separate sheet to print )
The floor plan can have the rooms coloured the way you want. I'm not sure about a Room tag that also displays the wall, floor and ceiling finishes. A room schedule may be better for that.

2003-09-29, 07:53 AM
You can create a new room tag that includes wall, floor, ceiling finishes or whatever you want to label on the tag. The way we do it as well is to create colour fill plans by finishes/departments or what ever parameter you want, as long as it is placed in your room shedule. Duplicate your plan, edit the colour scheme, change the type selector to the parameter you wish to display in a colour legend. set up different colours for diferent schemes.
The problem is you have to conform to the area selected by the room tag.
Hope this helps.

Vincent Valentijn
2003-09-29, 09:02 AM
Adjusting the roomareas calculated is quickly done by using the room-boundary-lines.. call me crazy though but I believe that in my projects the boundaries are automatically set to wall-faces by default, if you select the roomtag you can see the used boundary lighting up in red.

For your colour underlay use the Area Analysis system, you can make it so floor finishes or roomnames/numbers are displayed right behind a square that indicates the colour which is in floorplan.
Also, having an areaplan in place does not mean you won't see your roomtags anymore, they are still in place and keep -up to date- .. so you can make a roomtag displaying all finishes if you like [though it might get a bit crowded.
Ideally the finishes would be mentionned behind the renvoi indicator-square.. but I don't think that's possible [which is pretty weird since.. isn't that the most standard and logical way to do it? here you go for Revit following 'practical' usage.. :roll: ]

Chad Smith
2003-09-29, 10:26 PM
... if you select the roomtag you can see the used boundary lighting up in red.
Is that Room tag or Area tag? If I select my Room tag the boundary is light blue and is not selectable or editable. If I select an Area tag the boundary is purple and is selectable but still not editable.

Ultimately a Room tag has everything I need, except for the way the area is calculated. It would be nice if there was an option in the Properties for a Room tag to determine how the area is calculated.

2003-09-29, 11:00 PM
I think the highlight colour is different for different room tags. The Metric tag highlights in red.
The room tag area is not editable and measures to the face of the bounding wall.
Area tags display the total area within an area boundary. When you place an area tag, you can give a unique name to the area. You can define the area boundary to be anything you want.
Area boundaries define usable space in buildings. You can define these areas by drawing them or by picking walls. If you select the Apply Area Rules option, the wall boundary position automatically changes when you change the area type. For example, office area is measured at the wall centerline while exterior area is measured to the exterior wall face. By applying area rules, the area boundary position updates in accordance with area type changes.

Area types are an instance property of area tags. Area types contain area measurement rules that apply to area boundaries.

Area type values come from the two default area schemes: Gross Building and Rentable. The Gross Building area scheme has two area type values, Gross Building Area and Exterior Area. The Rentable Area scheme has six type values, building common area, office area, exterior area, floor area, major vertical penetration, and store area. When you create a new area scheme, it uses the type values from the Rentable area scheme.

You can create multiple area measurement schemes. By default, there are two area schemes: Gross Building and Rentable.
You cannot edit or delete the Gross Building area scheme. The Rentable area scheme is modifiable. You can create additional area schemes as needed.

Chad Smith
2003-09-30, 01:21 AM
Thanks guys, I've figured out how I'm going to go about this.

Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-01, 07:31 AM
[quote:60f08ddc72="Vincent Valentijn"]... if you select the roomtag you can see the used boundary lighting up in red.
Is that Room tag or Area tag? If I select my Room tag the boundary is light blue and is not selectable or editable. If I select an Area tag the boundary is purple and is selectable but still not editable.

Ultimately a Room tag has everything I need, except for the way the area is calculated. It would be nice if there was an option in the Properties for a Room tag to determine how the area is calculated.[/quote:60f08ddc72]

You probably have your answers by now.. :roll: just to answer your post:
it's Room tag that highlights [as BeeGee stated, in metric it's outlined red] - it is calculated correctly from face, not center as you stated.. and it is not editable as you said, you can only influence it by using room-boundary-lines. Area Tags.. see BeeGee's info; In short.. you should be able to get everything from this thread.. and I guess.. you did :wink: hihi..
good luck!