View Full Version : Move / Adjust Building Height

2010-06-21, 01:28 PM
We received some models from a consultant of existing conditions for a renovation job. The building was a small part of a larger complex. The building was then copied and pasted into a larger Revit file, in the Existing Phase. Problem is, the building was pasted onto the First Floor level (100'-0") instead of pasted on to the Grade (97'-8") level. Since then, extensive Demo and New Construction work has been done to the model. No one noticed the problem until we started to do sections and noticed the Floor is now 2'-4" higher than it is supposed to be.

Anyone help out on how to relocate / move the building down 2'-4" so the base of the walls are on the Grade level and the floors are back to where they should be? I Tried to Cut & Paste and it gets the heights correctly, but Revit wipes out all of the phase info and changes everything to the current phase when it is pasted again. Preserving Phase info is critical. Thanks!

cliff collins
2010-06-21, 02:52 PM
Here's a few thoughts:

1. Best practices suggest that you should Link the Building into the Site model. If it is currently "live" in the Site model, select everything in the building model, make it a Group, then link it out as a Revit project. Use Manage Links to load it into the Site file.

2. Also, use Shared Locations and specify the position of the Linked Bldg. to the correct elevation ( Z height relative to grade.) Do a search on this Forum and in Revit help for Project Location, Shared Coordinates, Relocate Project, etc. This explains how to do it.
It should be pretty easy to locate the building's finish floor at the correct topo/ elevation.


2010-06-21, 04:08 PM
We have gone round and round on the best approach for this project and we've decided having one large model, breaking buildings into worksets if necessary, is our approach on this one...

Any ideas on how to adjust the modeled elements to get them at the right height?

cliff collins
2010-06-21, 04:17 PM
I would still make the building a Linked model, only temporarily--so you can "grab it all"
in a single entity--and then move it down to the correct elevation. Once it is a linked model,
then simply move/disjoin in a section or elevation view. Make sure the building linked model is on its own workset and in the correct phase.

Then if your workflow must have it "live" in the site file, Bind it back into the site file.


2010-06-21, 08:39 PM
Unfortunately, when something is unbound, all elements lose their phase. Thats how we tried to originally bring the building into the main model and why we went the copy & paste...

Any possible ways to rename the levels and then shift things? I mean, if I rename Level 1 to be Grade and create new levels for the rest, how can I then shift the whole project so 100-0 becomes 97-8?

cliff collins
2010-06-21, 09:31 PM
Isolate the building, select all elements in it, and change the phase back to existing.

Or--just grab it all, and move it down with move/disjoin.


2010-06-22, 02:53 PM
As I mentioned, I'm trying to maintain all of the work we have done in regards to Demo and New Construction work. We caught this mess up late in the game...

Tried grabbing everything and using the move command, but it won't let me move up or down... even with Disjoin checked

2010-06-22, 05:04 PM
Edit text on the elevation tags...??

<me runs and hides>

2010-06-23, 01:33 PM
So my solution was this...

Go to a 3D View, Change Phase to Existing, Select The Entire Building, Cut the Elements, Paste on the Level it should've been on and Re-Demo the Walls...

This allowed us to keep all of the New Construction Elements in Place. The demo work was rather simple, so re-demo'ing was quick and easy. Thanks for the ideas!