View Full Version : Occupancy Calcs/Key Schedule/Area Tags

2010-06-21, 03:45 PM
Quick question for all you experts out there-
I have IBC table 1004.1.1 as a key schedule in Revit.
I then have a "building component" schedule in which the areas on my F&L Safety plan are then scheduled according to the info in the key schedule (Use of Space, Occupant Load Factor and Net/Gross).

I want the key schedule information to be visible on the floor plan (and available as a parameter) in my custom area tags. I can get the info that is exclusive to the "building component" schedule to appear in a tag with a custom label (as a shared component), but the key schedule parameters won't show up in a label no matter what I do. Can key schedule parameters not be shared components? If not, what is their use?

Here is how I would like it to function:

Have a "key" schedule with IBC 1004.1.1 info: Use of Space, SF/Person, and Gross/Net, and Calculated Occupants.
Make a custom area tag that has a label for the same categories as above: "Use of Space, SF/Person, and Gross/Net". No need for Calculated Occupants to show up in the tag as I've read that isn't currently possible without manually typing value into a component schedule field.

Any way to do this without having to duplicate the information in the building component schedule? I can get the key sched info to appear in the building component schedule, and I can see the key sched info as parameters in the area tag, but I can't make those parameters visible in the area tag by using a custom label in the area tag family.

Is it possible to get the key sched info to be visible in the tag? I would like to be able to draw a custom area boundary, tag it, then select the area properties, use a pull down box to pick (for example) "accessory storage" and have Revit then populate the area tag with Use of Space, SF/Person, and Gross/Net, as well as populating the building component (area) schedule, populating the fields and calculating the # of occupants, all automatically.

If it seems I am repeating myself, I am just trying to find the best way to describe what I am trying to do. Thanks!

2010-06-21, 03:49 PM
You want a calculated value to appear in your tag, correct? That has been a long-standing wishlist item and I believe is still not possible.

2010-06-21, 04:44 PM
patricks, thanks for the response. I can do without the calculated value, I just want the key schedule values to appear.

2010-06-21, 06:03 PM
If I remember correctly, you can't use shared parameters in key schedules.

2010-06-21, 08:53 PM
I was afraid of that. Does that mean that if I make a key schedule for door hardware (as an example) that I use from project to project I can't have the door hardware be visible on the door tags on the floor plan?

2010-06-22, 01:26 PM
Probably not. But we use the key schedule for door hardware, also, and just have the column with the hardware set in the door schedule. It still gets the point across - buildings still get built with the correct hardware, whether or not it shows in the floor plan door tags.

Hey, the owner is paying these suppliers, make them do some of the work. :p