View Full Version : New to ACAD2010 Mechanical

2010-06-21, 07:24 PM
Hi, All I have recently been switched from ACAD2005 General to ACAD2010 Mechanical and would like to find out if it is possible to avoid having the "License Information" popups happen each time I open ACAD? Please see the attachments for the popups in question.
Thanks a pile!! Regards, Jim

2010-06-22, 06:51 PM
The basic use for borrowing a license from the server is to run remotely. If you are working in the office, return the borrowed license, and just run Cad with a license from the server.

If you are out in the field and need to borrow a license to work disconnected, then I don't think it's possible to disable that alert.

either way, it seems awfully pointless to borrow a license for half a year at a time

2010-06-24, 12:45 PM
Since I am working in Edmonton, Alberta and our license comes from Houston, I need to borrow a license all the time. We were told by our gurus that without a license we won't be able to use AutoCAD if the line from Houston is compromised - which it has been in the past.
But the question I asked was "Is it possible to have it so the pop-ups don't pop up?" If anyone knows if this is possible, please let me know. Thanks a pile!! Jim

2010-06-24, 01:24 PM
you gotta love the it gurus... making their life easier despite impacts to production.

AFAIK, there's no available way to hide/avoid the pop up alert about borrowing a license when you are in fact borrowing a license. The only way to avoid that is to not borrow a license.

Now, if you are the only user in Edmonton, then a stand-alone license makes sense. There's no benefit to the firm's bottom line in network license management if you are borrowing the license for that period of time. the license is not available to anyone else, and serious crashes on your computer - like a trashed hard drive - means that you won't be able to return the license.

That's option A

Option B would be to install a license management server -- which could be any WinXP box, even a P-III running @ 500Mhz, in Edmonton with the minimum number of licenses needed to keep your end of the operation going.

2010-06-24, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the info. We have no actual control in this office as everything is controlled from our Houston office, so any of your suggestions would fall on deaf ears. But, again, thanks for letting me know that I will have to live with the pop-ups. Regards, Jim