View Full Version : Controlling north arrow visibility with Sheet properties

2010-06-24, 03:37 PM
I have added a north arrow as a generic annotation family into my titleblock family. I have also controlled the visibility of the north arrow with a Yes/No instance parameter through the titleblock. Is there a way to have that yes/no value be linked to or equal to a yes.no value parameter that you can define within your Sheet properties? What I want to accomplish is to be able to select multiple sheets in the Browser, go tho their properties and turn on or turn off several north arrows at once. Currently, I have to open each sheet, select the tiltleblock and change the parameter there.

This would be possible if you could load Shared Parameters into the family, but without that ability I am hitting a road block on whether this is even possible. If anybody has any suggestions, that would be great.


2010-06-24, 03:46 PM
This would be possible if you could load Shared Parameters into the family, but without that ability I am hitting a road block on whether this is even possible. If anybody has any suggestions, that would be great

You can load shared parameters into families.

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-24, 04:46 PM
You can load shared parameters into families.

Yes, in model families, not in annotation families, such as the title block or the north arrow.

2010-06-24, 04:55 PM
But you can load the shared parameter to the Sheet category, so it could possibly be controlled from there. This isnt something I havent really messed with, but it could be worth a try.

2010-06-24, 05:30 PM
You cant control it from the sheet, because the Sheet and the Titleblock arent tied together, except in the way that the Titleblock is placed on the sheet. Its like Rooms and Doors. Theyre not technically together.

2010-06-24, 09:27 PM
Currently, I have to open each sheet, select the tiltleblock and change the parameter there.

You "Could" just right click ONE of the titlebocks (placed on a sheet) and click "Select All Instances > In Project" and THEN do the changes to the parameters... :beer:

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-24, 09:42 PM
You "Could" just right click ONE of the titlebocks (placed on a sheet) and click "Select All Instances > In Project" and THEN do the changes to the parameters... :beer:

Hmm.. but the idea is to turn off or on the North symbol which is on the titleblock, in some selected sheets, only.

2010-06-24, 09:46 PM
And the only decent way to do that, is to make it a type property, and keep two types of titleblocks. But even then, you cant do it from the Sheets. Its STILL selecting the Titleblocks.

Im sure you could automate a script to do it, based on an input list of sheets, which you could probably get it to read from a parameter ON the sheets.... But... uh.... i hope you know someone whos kickass with journals and an API program...

2010-06-24, 10:19 PM
What I want to accomplish is to be able to select multiple sheets in the Browser, go tho their properties and turn on or turn off several north arrows at once. Currently, I have to open each sheet, select the tiltleblock and change the parameter there.

OK, I misunderstood that - sorry.
So what Aaron said is the best and only way to accomplish this :beer:

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-24, 11:04 PM
Now, is it possible to assign the same visibility graphics settings for some selected sheets at the same time? If that is possible, then there is a solution for this thread. I tried, but so far, the VG settings don't get applied to a group of sheets.

2010-06-24, 11:18 PM
Correct. You cant access VG for multiple sheets, and you cannot Apply a View Template to Sheets. (Look carefully, its to apply view templates to the views ON the sheets). Ergo, theres still (unfortch) no better way to do it than type property of Titleblocks, or by instance and selecting the TITLEBLOCKS (not the sheets) to do it.

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-25, 02:07 AM
Correct. You cant access VG for multiple sheets...

OK. I wanted to confirm that. Therefore, the issue does not have a solution yet. It would be a lot easier if in the future, sheets could have a parameter, such as "titleblock", but as you say, these things are not connected yet. Thank you very much, Aaron.