View Full Version : Wall finishes

2010-06-24, 05:35 PM
I have created a wall type with stucco finish on the outside and a drywall layer inside. I have unlocked the finish layer to keep the drywall above the slab instead of having it going to the footing. However, when I do that the ftg gets copied to the finished level too. (see the picture)
How do you handel the finishes on your projects? wall finishes, floor finishes, and ceiling finishes. I think, they should be keep outside of the structure but then I have additional problems inserting door and other openings. How do you handel this issue.

2010-06-24, 06:22 PM
I don't use the footing tool... it's too unreliable. Instead I use a thick concrete wall that is constrained by levels.

Alfredo Medina
2010-06-24, 08:52 PM
There are at least 3 possible solutions for this issue with the footings. Pick your favorite:

1) The solution mentioned by Greg: Do the wall under Level 1 with a different wall type.

2) Use a stacked wall, which is a special wall type with two or more vertical components. In this case, one component will be the wall type mentioned in point # 1, and the other component is the same wall you are using now.

3) Use thin wall types with just finish layers, totally independent from the core. It's more work because you will have 3 wall entities instead of one, but this is an approach that is handy in certain cases.

2010-06-24, 09:10 PM
Thanks Alfredo, I really like approach #3 but have some limitations in addition to having 3 elements. You need to joint the walls to insert doors and windows and sometimes the door frame only attach to the first wall. It should be a command like the room feature that would allow you to places the finishes automatically for you. You just draw the shell and then apply the finishes with just one click per room. You can specify the finishes in a schedule fashion and Revit should do the rest for you. It should recognized the openings and represent the floor plan correctly. That will be a great feature to implement. I hope the factory can let us know if that's possible for future releases.