View Full Version : RAC 2010 Swing Angle

2010-06-24, 09:23 PM
Ok, I consider myself fairly proficient using revit and creating families, but this one throws me off every time. A door with a swing angle parameter. What am I missing here. I have my model geometry placed, my reference plane anlong the face of the wall, and reference line aligned with the face of the geometry and dimensioned and parameter defined, but every time I flex it, it breaks. The same error message, "constraints are not satisfied" I have tried every way I can think of, but still the same error message. I feel like I am missing something simple here, and i just cant see it. I am attaching an example family with the panel and parameter defined only, show me where i went wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.

2010-06-24, 09:46 PM
Well, what you are trying to do, is indeed possible ! But personally I´d make the door panel a nested family, and rotate from there...

But to your question.... basicly, just make sure that the "rotating" ref. line origins from the rigt intersectionm and then maybe add another ref. line at a 90 degree angle from the first one (Dimension, and lock the 90 d. angle)

I don´t have access to RAC2010 anymore, but have a look at the attached screen dump - or even better, upgrade to RAC2011 and download the fixed family ;-)

BTW: This should probably have been posted in the "Families" forum... but who cares... :lol:

2010-06-24, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the assistance. I am going to be getting 2011 in the next few weeks, along with computer upgrade, but I downloaded the family in the meantime. I see you added that other reference line, and didnt use the reference plane in the family. I am assuming that since that reference plane is locked to the face the of wall, that is what is causing constraint error message to pop-up every time.

2010-06-24, 10:25 PM
Here's another version to play with. I'm pretty sure it's 2010.